

Song Qingling and The “NouLens Case”
摘要 牛兰夫妇是共产国际派到中国领导革命的代表,1931年6月被敌人逮捕,对此国内外舆论和各界人士给予了持续近两年的关注,形成了营救牛兰、谴责国民党法西斯行径的国际性运动。宋庆龄作为该运动的核心领导人,在国际上发起成立了设在欧洲的“保卫牛兰夫妇委员会”,在国内先后成立了“牛兰夫妇营救委员会”和“中国民权保障同盟”,为牛兰夫妇聘请了知名辩护律师,发表文章呼吁各界援救,面见或函电党国要人进行交涉,终于为身陷囹圄的牛兰夫妇争取到保外就医的待遇。很多右翼媒体责难她的营救活动,认为其破坏了法律尊严,是崇洋媚外,是亲共分子。1937年全面抗战爆发后牛兰夫妇乘机逃出监狱回到了祖国。宋庆龄顶住重重压力设法解救牛兰夫妇,体现了宋庆龄与中国共产党、共产国际和苏联间的深厚感情。 NouLens and his wife were the representatives sent by the Communist International to China as revolution leaders. They were arrested by the enemy in June 1931, which aroused the concern of public for nearly two years. It gradually developed into and an international movement to rescue them and the public condemned the fascist acts of the Kuomintang. Being the leader of the movement, Song Qingling not only set up “Defense Committee of Noulens couple” in Europe, but also established the “Noulens Rescue Committee” and “The Civil Rights Protection Alliance of China”, calling for the rescue of Noulens couple. She also hired two famous lawyers for them, published articles, called on all walks of life to join in the efforts of the rescue. She met with or telegrammed top government officials, trying to rescue the couple. Finally the couple got medical parole. Her rescued activities aroused the media's hot debate. They criticized that Song Qingling destroyed the dignity of law, and was a pro-communist. After the outbreak of the China's resistance war against Japan in 1937, Noulen couple escaped from the prison and returned to their motherland. Song Qingling resisted the pressure and tried every means to save Noulen couple, reflecting the deep relationship between Song Qhingling and the Communist Party, the Communist International and the Soviet Union.
作者 张士伟 张雪萍 ZHANG Shi-wei;ZHANG Xue-ping(College of Humanities, Tongren University, Tongren, Guizhou 554300, China;School of History Culture and Tourism,Longnan Teachers College,Longnan,Gansu 742500,China)
出处 《沧州师范学院学报》 2019年第3期71-74,83,共5页 Journal of Cangzhou Normal University
关键词 宋庆龄 牛兰案 共产国际 Song Qingling the “Noulen case” Communist International
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