
论刘禹锡与柳宗元的唱和诗 被引量:1

On the Antiphon Poetry of Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan
摘要 作为风雨同舟、安危与共的人生知己,刘禹锡与柳宗元在贬居遐荒的岁月里,不间断地用书信赠答和诗歌唱和的方式传递嘤鸣之情。两人唱和的高峰期是在再度遭受贬谪前后。迭相赓和之际,所作略无用情浮泛、用笔粗疏、用词草率之弊,因为他们不仅诗艺娴熟,而且有沛然莫御的激情回旋鼓荡于其间。他们还就书法问题频频酬答,既在唐诗的花圃中植入了令人瞩目的奇花异卉,又为中国书法史提供了弥足珍贵的文献资料。柳宗元卒后,刘禹锡的追怀篇什则不失为对亡友当年诗作的一种穿越时空的回应。刘禹锡晚年与白居易的唱和诗在数量上几倍于刘柳的唱和篇什,从中也能看到他们彼此对友谊的珍爱、守护与讴歌,捕捉到他们超然物外之后心弦的和谐共振,但却很难体会到刘柳唱和诗中独有的那种生死相依、安危与共的知己之感,也寻觅不到刘柳诗中那种基于同一政治理念和生命轨迹的刻骨铭心的人生感怆。 Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan were bosom friends and supported each other through ups and downs throughout their lives.They constantly exchanged letters and poems to console each other while being in exile in remote wilderness on political grounds.From the day they launched the innovation movement,they introduced each other as bosom friends.They fought against the unfortunate fate and the attack of hostile forces together.They encouraged each other in their lonely days.They expressed their emotions by letters and poems.The period when they were relegated again was the peak of their antiphon poetries.On the eve of the departure,they chanted and sang their antiphon poems,which were the embodiment of their intimate friendship.Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan resided in Lianzhou and Liuzhou respectively. They communicated frequently,discussing philosophy,literature,medicine,calligraphy and other topics together.Maybe it was because they didn’t want to pour too much sorrow into each other,nor did they want to transfer too much negative energy to each other,the antiphon poetries between them didn’t focus on expressing feelings in these four years(815-819).They consciously used various genres to demonstrate their writing ability,and avoided the monotony and rigidity of the form of poetry.Another vital part of their antiphon poetries was the discussions about Chinese calligraphy,which are not only the remarkable exotic flowers in the garden of Tang Poetry,but also priceless historical records of Chinese calligraphy.Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan both loved calligraphy,and Liu Zongyuan was more wrapped up in calligraphy.The theme of calligraphy does not require timeliness,also they didn’t worry about whether it was politically correct or not.These poems about calligraphy were more relaxed and livelier than those antiphon poetries on other subjects.They teased and encouraged each other in these poems from time to time.They used many allusions and they gave full play to the functions of the antiphon poetries in mutual encouragement and entertainment.In 819,Liu Yuxi’s mother died.At the same time,he received the obituary of Liu Zongyuan’s death.This sudden double blow made Liu Yuxi very sad.In the process of editing Liu Zongyuan’s anthology,he always sighed for his late friend who died young,and the yearning for him was deepening day by day.After Liu Zongyuan’s death,Liu Yuxi and Bai Juyi first met in Yangzhou.Bai Juyi replaced Liu Zongyuan’s original position in Liu Yuxi’s heart,and became the most frequent friend with him.Especially in his later years when he was idle in Luoyang,there was more and more interaction between them.The number of antiphon poetries between them was huge.But the emotion of these poems was not as profound as those between Li Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan.In this sense,Liu Yuxi’s and Liu Zongyuan’s antiphon poetry were the kind of″extinct art″.
作者 肖瑞峰 Xiao Ruifeng(School of Humanities,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310032,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期163-171,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(18JZD016)
关键词 刘禹锡 柳宗元 唱和诗 书法 Liu Yuxi Liu Zongyuan antiphon poetry calligraphy
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