There is increasing interest in flies as potentially important pollinators. Flies are known to have a complex visual system, in eluding 4 spectral classes of photoreceptors that con tribute to the perception of color. Our current understanding of how color signals are perceived by flies is based on data for the blowfly Lucilia sp., which after being conditi oned to rewarded mono chromatic light stimuli, showed evidenee of a categorical color visual system. The resulting opponent fly color space has 4 distinct categories, and has been used to interpret how some fly pollinators may perceive flower colors. However, formal proof that flower flies (Syrphidae) only use a simple, categorical color process remains outstanding. In free-flying experiments, we tested the hoverfly Eristalis tenax, a Batesian mimic of the honeybee, that receives its nutrition by visiting flowers. Using a range of broadband similar-dissimilar color stimuli previously used to test color perception in pollinating hymenopteran species, we evaluated if there are steep changes in behavioral choices with continuously increasing color differences as might be expected by categorical color processing. Our data revealed that color choices by the hoverfly are mediated by a continuous monotonic function. Thus, these flies did not use a categorical processing, but showed evidenee of a color discrimination function similar to that observed in several bee species. We therefore empirically provide data for the minimum color distanee that can be discriminated by hoverflies in fly color space, enabling an improved un derstandi ng of plant-poll in ator interactions with a non-model insect species.