7See David Lodge, ed., 20th Century Literary Criticism, A Reader, London and New York: Longman,1972, pp. 254-262.
8约翰逊.《英国诗人传》(The Lives of the English Poets)中的《玄学派诗人》(The Metaphysical Poets)一文,见王佐良、李赋宁、周珏良、刘承沛主编《英国文学名篇选注》,商务印书馆,1983年,第463页.
9Tucker Brooke in A Literary History of England, ed.A. C. Baugh, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,1948, p. 668.
10Wilfred L. Guerin, Earle O. Labor, Lee Morgan and John R. Willingham, A Handbook of Critical Approache.; to Literature, 2nd edition, New York, San Francisco and London: Harper & Row Publishers, pp. 36-37, p. 34, p. 37, p. 37, p. 151.