
水库库区占用定量分析——以东部某省级行政区水库为例 被引量:1

Quantitative analysis of reservoir area occupation——taking reservoirs in an eastern province as examples
摘要 明晰水库库区占用情况是规范库区管理、确保防洪安全和大坝安全的重要基础。长期以来库区占用以定性表述为主,未见定量分析成果,库区占用分析深度不足,制约库区管理制度建设和行业发展。依托东部某省级行政区内具有代表性的10座大中型水库,首次提出库区占用指标体系和设计调查问卷,定量分析库区确权划界、占用类型、占用分布、占用过程,研究提出库区占用监测与分析的对策建议。分析认为,库区占用总体严重,确权工作复杂且滞后,占用以商业开发、城乡住宅和农业生产3种类型为主,库区占用均不低于正常蓄水位高程,占用过程划分为原始形成、快速增长、有所抑制3个典型阶段。建议强化遥感监测手段,尽快建设库区占用数据库,制定《水库库区占用情况调查与分析技术导则》和库区占用严重程度等级划分标准。 Understanding the occupation of reservoir area is an important basis for standardizing the reservoir area management and ensuring flood control safety and dam safety. For a long time, the reservoir area occupation is mainly expressed qualitatively, and no quantitative analysis results have been found. The analysis of the reservoir area occupation is not deep enough, which restricts the construction of the reservoir area management regulations and the development of the industry. Relying on 10 typical large and medium-sized reservoirs in the administrative region of an eastern province in China, the occupation index system of the reservoir area and the design questionnaire are put forward for the first time. The quantitative analyses of the confirmation and demarcation of the reservoir area lands, occupation types, occupation distribution and occupation progresses are carried out, and the countermeasures and suggestions for monitoring and analyzing the reservoir area occupations are proposed in this paper. The analysis results show that the reservoir area is occupied seriously in general, and the confirmation of land rights is complex and weak. And commercial development, urban and rural residential housing and agricultural production are the three main types of occupation. The occupation of the reservoir area is not lower than the normal water level of reservoir. The occupation progresses can be divided into three typical stages: original formation, rapid growth and restraint. It is suggested that remote sensing monitoring should be strengthened, a database for the reservoir area occupations should be established as soon as possible, guidelines for investigation and analysis of the reservoir area occupation should be formulated, and the classification standard of occupation severity degree of the reservoir area should be put forward.
作者 张士辰 落全富 赵伟 杨正华 ZHANG Shichen;LUO Quanfu;ZHAO Wei;YANG Zhenghua(Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute,Nanjing 210029,China;Dam Safety Management Center of Ministry of Water Resources,Nanjing 210029,China;Qingshan Reservoir Management Office,Hangzhou 311305,China)
出处 《水利水运工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期68-73,共6页 Hydro-Science and Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFC0401603) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41671504) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(Y717009,Y718010,Y717010)
关键词 水库 库区 占用 定量分析 等级划分标准 reservoir reservoir area occupation quantitative analysis classification standard
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