
《印度时报》和《中国日报》网站框架建构异同——以“洞朗事件”发生时期的报道为例 被引量:1

Similarities and Differences in the Framing of the Websites of The Times of India and China Daily :Take the Doklam Standoff as an Example
摘要 通过内容分析方法,并以框架理论为视域,以“洞朗事件”时期的报道为样本,对比《印度时报》和《中国日报》网站的框架建构,可以发现,《印度时报》网站为迎合市场需求,在报道中技巧性地强化中国“无理取闹”“恃强凌弱”的霸凌形象,具有民族主义情绪。《中国日报》网站则较为严肃,以“冲突框架”为主,对印度无故入侵中国领土进行了激烈谴责,但事件报道的内容则较为单一,容易使读者产生信息疲劳。两家媒体在呈现对抗性报道特征的同时,内容上略有差异:《中国日报》构建了“文化印度”的形象,瑜伽、印度电影均是印度的正面文化表现,而宗教和一些落后习俗则是印度文化的负面表现。除此之外,在“洞朗事件”结尾的“和平框架”值得提倡;《印度时报》网站则凸显了中国“军事强国”的形象,该框架很容易让印度民众对中国产生敌意。中印作为两个最大的发展中国家,在“一带一路”倡议背景下,均缺乏“建设框架”的构建。媒体通过“建设框架”能够缓和冲突各方之间的矛盾,通过调解不同国家、种族和阶层之间的矛盾,为地区和国际和平稳定提供了建设性的解决方案。《中国日报》网站应将建设性新闻与中国特色相结合,将“陈情”与“说理”、“自己讲”与“他人讲”相结合,加强我国在冲突性事件中对外传播力的提升。 Using the method of content analysis and the framework theory, this paper explores the differences between the reports of the websites of The Times of India and China Daily during the “Doklam standoff”. The study found that the website of The Times of India caters to the market demand and is emotional. In its reports, it skillfully strengthens China's bullying image of “unreasonable” and “bullying” and caters to its nationalism. The website of China Daily is more serious, focusing on the “conflict framework” and vehemently condemning India’s unwarranted invasion of Chinese territory. However, the content of the incident report is relatively simple and it is easy for readers to suffer information fatigue. The two media have some differences in content while presenting the characteristics of confrontational reporting: The website of China Daily has constructed the image of “cultural India”,Yoga and Indian movies are positive cultural expressions of India, while religion and some backward customs are negative manifestations of Indian culture. In addition, its “peace framework” at the end of the Doklam standoff is also worth promoting. The website of The Times of India highlights China’s image as a “military power”, this framework makes it easy for Indians to become hostile to China. As the two largest developing countries, China and India lack a “construction framework” in the context of the “Belt and Road” initiative. Through the “construction framework”, the media can ease the contradictions between the parties to the conflict and mediate the contradictions between different countries, races and strata. Provide constructive solutions for regional and international peace and stability. The website of China Daily should combine constructive news with Chinese characteristics, and combine “presenting one’s feelings” with “reasoning”,“speaking for oneself” with “speaking for others”, so as to enhance China's ability to spread abroad in conflict events.
作者 徐婉钰 韩鸿 XU Wanyu;HAN Hong
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2019年第4期106-119,154,155,共16页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
基金 国家社科基金西部项目“自媒体环境下藏区网络舆情转变及其治理方略研究”(项目编号:18XXW010)的阶段性成果
关键词 框架理论 内容分析 “洞朗事件” 中印关系 建设性新闻 Framework Theory Content Analysis Doklam Standoff Sino-Indian Relations Constructive News
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