

Oxidative degradation of gaseous benzene by Fenton reagent
摘要 利用Fenton体系的强氧化性,考察了Fenton体系pH值、H2O2体积分数和FeSO4质量浓度3个单因素对气相苯降解性能的影响。结果表明,随pH值、H2O2体积分数和FeSO4质量浓度增加,对气相苯的去除率均呈现先升高后降低的趋势。当H2O2体积分数为0.53%、FeSO4质量浓度为0.53 mg/mL不变,调节pH=3时,苯去除率达到最高,为95.23%;当pH=3、FeSO4质量浓度为0.53 mg/mL不变,调节H2O2体积分数为0.79%时,苯去除率达到最高,为96.88%;当pH=3、H2O2体积分数为0.79%不变,FeSO4质量浓度为0.79 mg/mL时,苯去除率达到最高,为95.31%。利用BBD法和Design Expert软件设计3因素3水平交互影响试验,基于试验结果建立函数关系,通过函数关系设计的三维响应面和等高图表明,FeSO4质量浓度、H2O2体积分数分别与pH值对苯降解的交互作用不显著,而FeSO4质量浓度与H2O2体积分数对苯降解的交互作用显著。 This paper intends to choose the gaseous benzene as the target object to make a systematic investigation of its degradation properties affected by taking the pH value,H2 O2 volume ratio and FeSO4 mass as the typical volatile organic compound.Through the single-facor testing,it would be possible for the experiments to make an objective estimation through the oxidative ability of Fenton reagent in reliance of our self-designed bubble column reactor.The results of the testing experiment indicate that the removing efficiency of gaseous benzene tends to rise first and then decline with the increase of pH value,H2 O2 volume ratio and FeSO4 mass concentration from 1 to 5,0.27%to1.32%,0.28 mg/mL to 1.32 mg/mL,respectively.On the other hand,the single-factor experiment of pH value shows that the removing efficiency of the gaseous benzene can reach its highest rate of 95.23%on the conditions with the pH value being 3 whereas the H2 O2 volume ratio can be kept at 0.53%and the FeSO4 mass concentration is kept at 0.53 mg/mL constant.Moreover,the single-factor experiment of H2 O2 volume ratio shows that the removing efficiency of the gaseous benzene can be made to reach its maximum rate of 96.88%,on the condition when the H2 O2 volume ratio is 0.79%with the pH value being kept at 3 and FeSO4 mass concentration being 0.53 mg/mL constant.Furthermore,the single-factor experiment of FeSO4 mass concentration proves that the removing efficiency of the gaseous benzene can be made to its maximum rate of 95.31%on the condition of FeSO4 mass concentration being 0.79%with the pH value of 3 and H2 O2 volume ratio of 0.79%unchanged.Therefore,the key to the success of the experiment is to choose the pH value,H2 O2 volume ratio and the FeSO4 mass concentration rate as the optimistic combination.At the same time,it is also necessary to lay out and execute the reciprocal effect experiment scheme with 3 factors and 3 levels by using the BBD technique and the expert software designed.What is more,the experimental results can also help to establish the functional relation,which can also serve as the basis for designing the 3-D response surface and contour maps.And,though the reciprocal effect may not be inapparent between the pH value with FeSO4 mass concentration and H2 O2 volume ratio strictly,it should be apparent between FeSO4 mass concentration and the H2 O2 volume ratio.
作者 田立江 李杰 王艳芳 李英杰 王丽萍 李多松 TIAN Li-jiang;LI Jie;WANG Yan-fang;LI Ying-jie;WANG Li-ping;LI Duo-song(School of Environment Science & Spatial Informatics,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,Jiangsu,China;Gongyi Branch of Zhengzhou Ecology and Environment Bureau,Zhengzhou 451200,China;Shanghai Institute of Environmental Sciences,Shanghai 200233,China)
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1393-1398,共6页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51778612)
关键词 环境工程学 挥发性有机物 气相苯 FENTON体系 响应面法 交互作用 environmental engineering volatile organic compounds(VOCs) gaseous benzene Fenton reagent response surface method reciprocal effect
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