
Potentials of GaP as millimeter wave IMPATT diode with reference to Si,GaAs and GaN 被引量:3

Potentials of GaP as millimeter wave IMPATT diode with reference to Si,GaAs and GaN
摘要 This paper presents the simulation results of DC,small-signal and noise properties of GaP based Double Drift Region( DDR) Impact Avalanche Transit Time( IMPATT) diodes. In simulation study we have considered the flat DDR structures of IMPATT diode based on GaP,GaAs,Si and GaN( wurtzite,wz) material. The diodes are designed to operate at the millimeter window frequencies of 94 GHz and 220 GHz. The simulation results of these diodes reveal GaP is a promising material for IMPATT applications based on DDR structure with high break down voltage( V_B) as compared to Si and GaAs IMPATTs. It is also encouraging to worth note GaP base IMPATT diode shows a better output power density of 4. 9 × 10~9 W/m^2 as compared to Si and GaAs based IMPATT diode. But IMPATT diode based on GaN( wz) displays large values of break down voltage,efficiency and power density as compared to Si,GaAs and GaP IMPATTs. This paper presents the simulation results of DC,small-signal and noise properties of GaP based Double Drift Region( DDR) Impact Avalanche Transit Time( IMPATT) diodes. In simulation study we have considered the flat DDR structures of IMPATT diode based on GaP,GaAs,Si and GaN( wurtzite,wz) material. The diodes are designed to operate at the millimeter window frequencies of 94 GHz and 220 GHz. The simulation results of these diodes reveal GaP is a promising material for IMPATT applications based on DDR structure with high break down voltage( V_B) as compared to Si and GaAs IMPATTs. It is also encouraging to worth note GaP base IMPATT diode shows a better output power density of 4. 9 × 10~9 W/m^2 as compared to Si and GaAs based IMPATT diode. But IMPATT diode based on GaN( wz) displays large values of break down voltage,efficiency and power density as compared to Si,GaAs and GaP IMPATTs.
出处 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期395-402,共8页 Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
关键词 lmpact AVALANCHE TRANSIT time(IMPATT) GAP GAN microwave and millimetre wave lmpact avalanche transit time(IMPATT) GaP GaN microwave and millimetre wave
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