
利益的冲突:特岗教师如何从流动走向稳定——基于利益相关者的访谈研究 被引量:9

Conflict of Interests:How Can Special Post Teachers Move from Mobility to Stability—— An Interview Research Based on Stakeholders
摘要 特岗教师计划是补充、优化我国农村教师队伍的一项重要政策。市县政府、农村学校以及特岗教师作为特岗计划所涉及的三大主体,有着不同的利益诉求。当特岗教师的多种利益诉求无法满足而选择流动时,与市县政府和农村学校所需要的师资稳定相冲突,会对农村学校的教学、学生的学业发展产生不利影响。特岗教师从流动走向稳定是一个过程,需要各方的共同努力:特岗教师应秉持契约精神,在服务期内履行义务;农村学校应在服务期内加强对特岗教师的人文关怀,在服务期满后允许有流动意愿的特岗教师离开;政府应在服务期内监督特岗教师的流动并在期满之后及时补充教师;政策应对偏远地区的特岗教师进行最大化的物质补偿以满足其基本的生存需求;高校应加强宣传力度,吸引有志于农村教育的毕业生报考特岗计划。 The special post teacher plan is an important policy,supplementing and optimizing the rural teaching staff in our country.Municipal and county governments,rural schools and special post teachers,as the three main bodies involved in the special post plan,have different interests.The special post teachers will choose to move away when their multiple interests can not be satisfied,which is in conflict with the stability of teachers needed by the city and county governments and rural schools.This will have a negative impact on the teaching and students’academic development in rural schools.It is a process for special post teachers to move from mobility to stability,requiring efforts made by all the parties.Special post teachers should abide by the spirit of contract and fulfill their obligations during the service period;rural schools should increase their humanistic care for special post teachers during the service period and allow them to leave after the expiration of their service period;the government should supervise the flow of special post teachers during the service period and supplement teachers in time after the expiration of the service period;the policy should maximize the material compensation for special post teachers in remote areas to meet their basic survival needs;and the universities should make more publicity efforts to attract graduates interested in rural education to apply for special post programs.
作者 高清晨 孙涛 GAO Qing-chen;SUN Tao(China Institute of Rural Education Development Cired,Northeast Normal University)
出处 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2019年第22期41-45,共5页 Theory and Practice of Education
关键词 特岗教师 利益相关者 流动 稳定 special post teachers stakeholders mobility stability
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