

The Absent Man of Noble Characters: The Double Dilemma and Self-breakthrough for Su Shi’s Ideal Personality Pursuit
摘要 "君子"从最早指向阶级意义上处于社会高位之人,逐步发展成为具有丰富内在道德蕴意的政治概念,并成为儒家倡导的理想人格模式,为文人士大夫通过学而优则仕的途径将"立德、立功、立言"与"齐家、治国、平天下"的最高目标追求有机结合起来,并在二者的良性互动中为有效实现自我人生价值提供了良好契机。当时的儒学复兴运动,也对宋代文人士大夫的精神世界建构产生了积极影响。苏轼在继承发展传统儒家君子理论的基础上,在积极追求自我君子理想人格的建构过程中,不但面临着君子理论预设的完满性导致其不可完全实现性所带来的君子缺席之困境,还面临着现实政治斗争复杂性与单纯依靠道德判断难以解决君子缺席的双重困境。集文人、学者与官员于一身的宋代文人士大夫复合型文化身份特点,使苏轼在不断强化自我内在道德修养的基础上,又以深刻的自我反省精神和文化创造活动,在自我世界中构建了一个以君子之道为目标追求和精神皈依的理想世界,从而在现实自我与理想自我的内在调和中有效突破了现实世界君子缺席的尴尬处境。 The meaning of"Man of Noble Characters "from the earliest point of reference to the person at the top of society in the sense of class has gradually developed into a political concept with rich internal moral implication, and has become an ideal personality model advocated by Confucianism. This provides an opportunity for literati scholars to effectively realize their own life value, by the way of learning and becoming excellent officials. In this process, literati scholars could organically combine the highest goals of" possessing moral personality, establishing great achievements, creating and writing great works‘with’managing the family,governing the country, building a society of peace and prosperity". In the background of the Revivalin Confucian Movement in the Song Dynasty, it also had a positive impact on the spiritual world of literati and scholars. On the basis of inheriting and developing the traditional Confucian theory of"Man of Noble Characters", Su Shi actively pursued the construction of the ideal personality in his own inner world. In this process, he faced double dilemmas of the absence of"Man of Noble Characters".The reason is the impossibility caused by the perfection of the theory and its realization, on the other hand, the realization of "Man of Noble Characters"can not be accomplished by relying solely on moral judgment in a complex political struggle. The complex cultural identity of the literati scholars of the Song Dynasty, which is composed of literati, scholars and officials, has enabled Su Shi to continue to strengthen his inner moral cultivation, profoundly had self-reflection and created cultural activities in himself world. Which constructed an ideal world with the goal of pursuing the"Man of Noble Characters"to converting his spirit, thus effectively breaking through the embarrassing situations of the absence of"Man of Noble Characters"in the real world.
作者 杨吉华 Yang Jihua
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期49-57,共9页 Henan Social Sciences
关键词 君子 君子缺席 道德 苏轼 Man of Noble Characters The Absence of "Man of Noble Characters" Ethics Su Shi
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