
贵州高硫酸盐地区寻找安全饮用水方法的探讨 被引量:5

Discussion on the method of searching for safe drinking water in high-sulfate areas of Guizhou Province
摘要 贵州镇宁地区地下水中硫酸盐超标是典型的环境地质问题之一,而该区地下水中硫酸盐超标主要来自于三叠系中统关岭组(T 2 g )含水岩组。采集水样分析发现该含水岩组中地下水的硫酸盐含量达到了275.42~ 1 100 mg·L^-1 ,为Ⅳ-Ⅴ类水。运用地下水中硫同位素追踪,其硫酸盐主要来源于石膏溶解,并通过实施“探采结合井”(ZK3),初步查明“膏岩层”分布于三叠系中统关岭组一段下亚段(T 2 g^1a )的中下部,厚度在1~1.5 m。而分层抽水试验显示:T 2 g 含水岩组试段水质为Ⅴ类,降深在11.50 m时涌水量为 256.61 m^3 ·d^-1;当揭穿T 2 g 膏岩层含水层并进行封隔止水后,钻孔自流量为330.05 m^3 ·d^-1 ,降深在 10.80 m时钻孔涌水量达628.84 m^3 ·d^-1 ,水质属Ⅲ类水。因此,在类似因水质超标而引起的功能性缺水地区,可越过膏岩层而获取深层安全的可饮用的地下水。 Zhenning area is located in the southwest of Guizhou Province, which is a national key development area in the main functional zone of Guizhou Province. It is a typical karst mountainous areas, where carbonate rocks are widely distributed. The excessive sulfate content in groundwater is one of the main environmental geological problems, which makes the problem of functional water shortage quite prominent, especially drink water for local villagers. This paper discusses how to find safe drinking water in the study area. Our analysis is based on data from hydrogeological and environmental geology survey, geophysical exploration, hydrogeological drilling, water sample collection and testing. It is found that the sulfate in groundwater in this area is mainly from the T 2 g aquifer formation, and the sulfate content in groundwater reaches 275.42-1,100 mg·L^-1 , implying the water of Ⅳ-V class. Tracing by 34 S isotope in groundwater shows that the sulfate is mainly from gypsum dissolution. The implementation of a " combined exploration and pumping" well ZK3 reveals that the gypsum formation is distributed in the middle and lower part of T 2 g^1a with a thickness of about 1-1.5 m. The stratified pumping test shows that the content of SO^2- 4 in groundwater in the test section of the T 2 g aquifer formation is 720 mg·L^-1 , evaluated as V class water. The water inflow is 256.61 m^3·d^-1 when the depth is reduced to 11.50 m. When the groundwater aquifer of the T 2 g gypsum formation is penetrated and sealed, the content of SO^2- 4 in groundwater is 124 mg·L^-1 , the borehole self-discharge rate is 330.05 m^3·d^-1 , and the depth is reduced to 10.80 m. In this condition the borehole water inflow reaches 628.84 m^3·d^-1 , and the water quality is Ⅲ class. This investigation demonstrates that safe and drinkable groundwater can be found below the gypsum layer by drilling to some depth. Such a method can also be applied to other regions with similar problems of water quality.
作者 方尚武 李强 王若帆 焦恒 易瑞 FANG Shangwu;LI Qiang;WANG Ruofan;JIAO Heng;YI Rui(Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Engineering Investigation Institute 2 nd ,Zunyi, Guizhou 563000,China;No.114 Geological Brigade, Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Zunyi, Guizhou 563000,China)
出处 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期388-393,共6页 Carsologica Sinica
基金 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“红水河上游岩溶流域1∶5万水文地质环境地质调查”(DD20160300) 贵州省科技计划项目“贵州省地下热水资源赋存条件及勘查关键技术研究”(黔科合[2016]支撑2842)
关键词 硫酸盐 地下水 膏岩层 sulfates groundwater gypsum layer
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