
猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒SDZP株与其Marc-145细胞传代株的基因变异分析 被引量:1

Gene Mutation Analysis of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus SDZP Strain and Its Marc-145 Cell Passaged Strain
摘要 为了研究PRRSV病毒在Marc-145细胞中长期传代后的基因变异特点,将高致病性PRRSV野毒株SDZP株感染Marc-145细胞,经连续传代120代获得了较为稳定的SDZP-p120传代毒株。通过RT-PCR分段扩增出SDZP亲本株与SDZP-p120株的全长基因,测序分析病毒传代过程中各基因的特征性变化。在传代过程中,病毒增殖速度出现了从慢到快的过程。连续传代后,SDZP-p120株出现了76个碱基的突变,涵盖了绝大部分功能基因,其中出现42个非同义突变,25个位于非结构蛋白,17个位于结构蛋白。囊膜相关结构蛋白的氨基酸突变率明显高于非结构蛋白,且多个囊膜相关结构蛋白的氨基酸突变规律与HuN4、JXA1等其他在Marc-145细胞上传代致弱的毒株具有相似性。研究结果为深入了解病毒与宿主细胞间的相互作用提供了参考数据。 In order to study the gene variation of PRRSV after long-term passages in Marc-145 cells,the highly pathogenic PRRSV isolate SDZP was passaged in Marc-145 cells and a stable strain of SDZP-p120 was obtained after 120 passages.The full-length genome of SDZP parental strain and SDZP-p120 strain were amplified by RT-PCR,and the characteristic changes of each gene during virus passage were analyzed by sequencing.During the passage,virus proliferation rate showed a marked increase.After continuous passage,76 mutations occurred in SDZP-p120 strains,covering most of the functional genes,including 42 non-synonymous mutations,25 of which located in non-structural proteins and 17 sites in structural proteins.The amino acid mutation rate of the envelope-associated structural proteins was significantly higher than that of the non-structural proteins,and the mutation pattern of several envelope-related structural proteins was similar to that of other viruses such as HuN4,JXA1,which were weakened in Marc-145 cells.This study provided a reference for further study of the interaction between PRRSV and host cells.
作者 唐娜 张倩 王金良 魏凤 董林 毕妍丽 于新友 谢金文 肖跃强 沈志强 TANG Na;ZHANG Qian;WANG Jin-liang;WEI Feng;DONG Lin;BI Yan-li;YU Xin-you;XIE Jin-wen;XIAO Yue-qiang;SHEN Zhi-qiang(Binzhou Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Research Institute in Shandong , Binzhou, Shandong,256600 ,China;Shandong Lvdu Biological Technology Co. ,Ltd. , Binzhou, Shandong, 256600, China)
出处 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2019年第9期7-12,共6页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目(ZR2014CQ010) 山东省自然科学基金面上项目(ZR2014CM047,ZR2017MC056)
关键词 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒 MARC-145细胞 感染性 遗传变异 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Marc-145 cell infectivity genetic variation
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