
合作共赢: PPP助力中国体育产业腾飞

Win-win: PPP Promotes Chinese Sports Industry
摘要 通过文献资料法、调查法等研究方法分析了PPP模式的内涵和中国体育产业存在的问题。对PPP助力中国体育产业进行了可行性分析,主要包括政策红利、优势、现实需求、国内外经验借鉴等;并提出了建议与对策:正确认识和合理定位PPP模式、加快PPP相关法律法规建设进程、加强体育部门监管力度、建立专门PPP管理机构、加大对私人部门投资体育产业政策支持、完善PPP体育项目管理机制。 This paper, through methods of literature reviews and surveys, analyses the connotation of PPP mode and the existing problems in Chinese sports industry and its feasibility of PPP to promote the industry in aspects such as favorable policy, advantages, realistic demands, domestic and foreign experience and so on. Meanwhile, the relevant countermeasures and suggestions are put forward, including correct recognition and reasonable position of PPP mode, accelerating establishment of relevant regulations and laws, supervision of the sports sector, establishment of PPP management agencies, policy support of investment of private sectors into sports industry and perfection of management of PPP sports.
作者 刘次琴 Liu Ciqin(Guangzhou Huali Science and Technology Vocational College, Guangzhou Guangdong, 511325)
出处 《安徽体育科技》 2019年第4期10-14,37,共6页 Journal of Anhui Sports Science
关键词 政府 私营企业 合作共赢 PPP 体育产业 government private sectors win-win ppp sports industry
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