The impact from foundation pit excavation in central urban area on peripheral environment, especially more and more attention has been paid to subway tunnels. A foundation pit in Hangzhou is situated on the north side of operating subway Line 1 shield tunnel interval, the nearest distance from foundation pit enclosure line to the tunnel about 20.0m. To protect subway tunnel safety neighboring the foundation pit, the operation of the pit has been divided into blocks. During the operation, firstly has divided the pit into I and II blocks, then subdivided the block I into I-1 and I-2 two subareas then to use cast-in-place piles as retaining structure, their north side piles outer-ring has used high pressure rotating jet grouting piles as water check curtain, other three sides cast-in-place piles outer-ring used TRD as water check curtain, and interval between support piles used high pressure rotating jet grouting piles. While block II has used TRD cement-soil diaphragm wall inserted with H shaped steel as retaining structure doubled as water check curtain. The monitoring results have shown that to divide operation into blocks will has lesser deformation amount;tunnel deformation can get effective control and protect, thus has certain promotion prospect.
Xu Bing(Zhejiang Coal Surveying and Mapping Institute Co. Ltd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310004)
Coal Geology of China
foundation pit excavation
divide operation into blocks
deformation monitoring