
乡村振兴战略背景下的农村养老保障问题和对策分析——以福州市为例 被引量:3

Analysis on the Problems and Countermeasures of Rural Old-age Security under the Background of Rural Revitalization Strategy: Taking Fuzhou City as an Example
摘要 完善农村养老保障体制是我国社会保障制度的重要组成部分,事关人民的生活和福祉。长期以来,我国把“农业、农村、农民”问题作为党和国家工作的重心,农村农业农民问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题。乡村振兴战略的提出,意味着必须坚持全面振兴乡村,使农村成为安居乐业的美好家园,必须要重视农民的养老问题,完善农村养老保障体系。本文以研究福州市农村养老保障为例,对福州农村目前的养老保障现状的总体情况进行认识分析,发现目前福州市农村养老保障方面存在的问题,并针对福州市的实际情况,联系实际,提出适当的建议和解决措施,完善农村养老保障制度,提高福州市农村养老保障服务的质量。 Improving the rural old-age security system is an important part of China’s social security system,which concerns the well-being of people’s livelihood.For a long time,China has regarded the“three rural”issue as the focus of the Party’s and the state’s work.The issue of rural agricultural farmers is a fundamental issue related to the national economy and people’s livelihood.The strategy of rural rejuvenation means that we must adhere to the comprehensive rural rejuvenation,make the rural areas a beautiful home for living and working in peace and contentment.Attentions should be paid on the problem of peasants’old-age care to improve the rural old-age security system.This paper takes the study of rural old-age security in Fuzhou city as an example to understand and analyze the overall situation of rural old-age security in Fuzhou city,and understand the problems existing in the development process of rural old-age security,such as the formalization of system implementation,the lack of investment in the construction of old-age services,the low quality of services,and the lack of publicity of old-age information.In view of the actual situation of Fuzhou city,this paper puts forward appropriate suggestions and solutions,such as improving the rural old-age security system in line with the actual situation,building multi-channel investment in old-age services,providing a variety of elderly activities to improve the quality of service,increasing financial subsidies for rural old-age support,increasing the release of old-age information,and creating a network of old-age support.
作者 刘俐 Liu Li(School of Public Management,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China)
出处 《石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第3期8-13,共6页 Journal of Shijiazhuang Tiedao University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 乡村振兴 福州市 农村养老 对策 rural revitalization Fuzhou city rural old-age support countermeasures
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