临床教学是医学生教育和毕业后教育的重要内容,是培养高素质医学人才的重要手段。不断提升临床教学理念,改善教学技巧,是实现高水平带教的前提。麻省大学医学院的教师培训项目——Teaching of Tomorrow(TOT)是针对临床医师的教师培训项目,通过集中授课和小组工作坊讨论的形式,努力帮助临床医师提高临床带教水平。本文介绍了该培训项目课程内容以及学习体会。首先是教育计划规划(GNOME)总论,其中G(goal)是目标,N(need assessment)是需求,O(objective)是目的,M(method)是方法,E(evaluation)是评价,通过这些步骤,提供教和学的框架。之后再按照需求评估、目标设定、达成目标的教学方法等逐渐展开。在教学方法介绍中,展示了示范教学、1分钟教学法和实时教学等具体方法。在每个主题讲课后会提供小组工作坊讨论,进一步加深受训者对授课内容的理解。最后还有临床推理方法以及针对职业倦怠的解压课程。
Clinical teaching is an important component of medical education and post-graduate education,and an important means of cultivating high-quality future physicians.Continuous acquisition of effective clinical teaching concepts and improvement of teaching skills are prerequisites for achieving a high level of teaching.The Teaching of Tomorrow Program(TOT)at the University of Massachusetts Medical School is a faculty development program directed particularly toward teaching physicians.Through intensive lectures and small group discussions with applications of new skills,the program strives to help clinicians improve their clinical teaching.This article introduced the course contents and learning experiences of the participants,hoping to help readers better understand the concepts of clinical teaching and improve teaching skills.First,the TOT courses introduced the general medical education planning process represented by the mnemonic GNOME:Goal,Need assessment,Objective,Method and Evaluation.GNOME provides a framework for teaching and learning.Educational goals would be achieved by following those important planning processes.The courses also introduced a variety of teaching methods,including one-minute preceptors,instant teaching,modeling as a teaching method and using deliberate practice to teach clinical reasoning.Small group discussions and role playing led by experienced medical educators helped learners quickly master those education concepts and teaching skills.At the end of the course,there was a discussion about compassion and resilience as a medical educator.
Mary Philbin
Lan Qin
QIAN Min(Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100730,China)
Chinese Journal of Graduate Medical Education
Clinical teaching
Faculty development
Teaching skills