
某铁路旅客站房卫生间排风系统优化设计研究 被引量:4

The Optimal Design of the Toilet Exhaust System of a Railway Station
摘要 针对部分火车站候车室卫生间存在较大异味的问题,对某火车站卫生间排风系统进行优化设计。采用CFD数值模拟的方法建立了单独下排风、下排风+上排风以及下排风+上排风+条缝吊顶三种通风工况模型,进行气流组织模拟分析。模拟结果表明,与下排风时相比,采用上排风+下排风系统时卫生间内区空气龄最高可降低31%,污染物浓度最高可降低69%;加设条缝吊顶通风后使得空气龄大幅提高,但是可使下排风效果增强,有效排除室内污染物。 In view of the problem of bad odor in the toilet of the waiting room in some railway stations, the optimal design of the toilet exhaust system of a railway station is carried out. Three kinds of ventilation models of bottom exhaust, bottom exhaust + up exhaust, bottom exhaust + up exhaust + slot ceiling ventilation were established by CFD numerical simulation method, and airflow simulation analysis was carried out. The simulation results show that compared with the bottom exhaust system, the up exhaust + bottom exhaust system can effectively reduce the air age and contaminant concentration in the innermost area of the toilet, and the contaminant concentration in the inner area can be reduced by 37%~69%;The ventilation of the slot ceiling can increase the air age greatly, but the effect of the bottom exhaust air can be enhanced to effectively eliminate indoor pollutants.
作者 赵金罡 于靖华 田利伟 龚梦雅 邹磊 夏提古丽 鲁展 Zhao Jingang;Yu Jinghua;Tian Liwei;Gong Mengya;Zou Lei;Xiatiguli;Lu Zhan
出处 《洁净与空调技术》 2019年第3期11-15,共5页 Contamination Control & Air-Conditioning Technology
关键词 火车站 卫生间排风系统 气流组织 空气龄 污染物浓度 Railway station Exhaust system Airflow organization Air age Contaminant concentration
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