
国博藏传清太祖太宗手书文书考 被引量:1

A Study on the Manuscripts in the Collection of National Museum of China that Some Believe to be the Handwritten Manuscripts of Qing Emperors Nurhaci and Hong Taiji
摘要 国博藏《后金覆育列国英明汗努尔哈赤委任靖安堡住民孟安邦为一堡千总管理新旧人民敕谕》《后金天聪四年七月十一日金国汗黄太吉与海岛刘兴治等告天盟书》《后金天聪四年金国汗致朝鲜国王书》《后金天聪十年二月初二日金国外藩各蒙古贝勒奉朝鲜国王书》等,原藏盛京皇宫崇谟阁,极可能是《汉文旧档》原件。其中前两件,清末锡良跋认为分别是清太祖、太宗手书。笔者考证认为:二者系1900年沙俄军侵驻盛京皇宫两年间流出,金梁"以重金得之外人手"。《勅谕》为天聪八年三月初一日颁,与太祖无关。它们作为乾隆三十二年"奉旨交出由内阁查进旧档案一匣"中旧物,当时乾隆帝并不认为是太祖、太宗手泽。140多年后的锡良不谙清初档案文书,题跋不具文物鉴定意义;应为时任文馆官范文程及其属下"撰拟"汉文底本,蕴含明清兴替之际重要历史信息,依然弥足珍贵。 Among the collections of National Museum of China, there are "Imperial Rescript by Nurhaci of the Later Jin, the Brilliant Khan Who Benefits All Nations, Appointing Meng Anbang, a Resident of Jingan Fort, as the Qianzong of Jingan Fort to Govern Its Old and New Residents","The Jin Khan Hong Taiji’s Treaty of Alliance with Liu Xingzhi of Pi Island, 4th Year, Tiancong Reign, Later Jin,""The Jin Khan’s Letter to the King of Choson, 4th Year, Tiancong Reign, Later Jin," and "The Letter to the King of Choson by The Beiles of Mongol Vassals of Jin, February 2nd, 10th Year, Tiancong Reign, Later Jin." These manuscripts were originally collected in the Chongmo Ge of the Shengjing Imperial Palace, and they are highly likely to be the original scripts from Old Archives in Chinese. In his epilogues, Bayat Xilang of late Qing believed the former two to be the handwritten manuscripts of Nurhaci and Hong Taiji. After examining the historical records, the author has made the following findings: These two were looted during the Russian Empire’s military occupation of the Shengjing Imperial Palace in 1900 and were subsequently "purchased at high price from a foreigner" by Jin Liang. Imperial Rescript was issued on March 1st, 8th Year, Tiancong Reign, thus has nothing to do with Nurhaci, who died before that. They were old documents that were part of "the old documents examined and submitted by the Grand Secretariat to the Emperor, who subsequently ordered them to be sent to Shengjing" in the 32rd Year of Qianlong Reign. At the time, Emperor Qianlong did not believe they were handwritten manuscripts of Nurhaci and Hong Taiji. The epilogues written by Bayat Xilang, a man who lived more than 140 years later and who lacked the basic expertise on early Qing archives, have little significance as to the identification of the artifacts. Instead, these manuscripts are likely to be Chinese drafts made by Fan Wencheng, the director of Literary Office at the time, and his subordinates. Nevertheless, these manuscripts contain important historical records of the Ming-Qing transition and are still extremely valuable.
作者 姜舜源 Jiang Shunyuan
机构地区 中国国家博物馆
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期35-50,共16页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 后金 太祖 太宗 勅谕 盟书 《汉文旧档》 Later Jin Nurhaci Hong Taiji Imperial Rescript Treaty of Alliance Old Archives in Chinese
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