
Effects of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma on the Combustion Performances of Reverse-Flow Combustor in an Aero-Engine 被引量:3

Effects of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma on the Combustion Performances of Reverse-Flow Combustor in an Aero-Engine
摘要 In order to apply plasma assisted combustion(PAC) into a reverse-flow aero-engine and verify the improvement of combustion performance, a feasible approach was proposed in this work. In this approach, based on the structure characteristics of the reverse-flow combustor, a parallel plate double dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) PAC actuator was designed to generate plasma. It was installed at the front of combustor. When the actuator is driven, the original air flow is not disturbed for the device’s structure and installation. Using aviation kerosene as fuel, the effects of plasma on ignition boundary and outlet temperature of the combustor were experimentally investigated at atmosphere pressures. Through the dual high voltage differential power supply, the large gap, large area and uniform plasma discharge was achieved. The results of PAC actuator discharge indicate that inlet air temperature has a small increase of 4–9 K. After PAC is applied, the combustion performances of reverse-flow combustor in an aero-engine are remarkably improved. Experimental results indicate that ignition boundary is widened by 3.7%–12.5% because of the impact of plasma. Outlet highest temperature of combustor is raised by 19–75 K;outlet temperature distribution coefficient is reduced by 11.1%–26.6%. This research provides an effective and practicable way to implement the application of PAC in aero-engine combustor and has some engineering application significance. In order to apply plasma assisted combustion(PAC) into a reverse-flow aero-engine and verify the improvement of combustion performance, a feasible approach was proposed in this work. In this approach, based on the structure characteristics of the reverse-flow combustor, a parallel plate double dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) PAC actuator was designed to generate plasma. It was installed at the front of combustor. When the actuator is driven, the original air flow is not disturbed for the device’s structure and installation. Using aviation kerosene as fuel, the effects of plasma on ignition boundary and outlet temperature of the combustor were experimentally investigated at atmosphere pressures. Through the dual high voltage differential power supply, the large gap, large area and uniform plasma discharge was achieved. The results of PAC actuator discharge indicate that inlet air temperature has a small increase of 4–9 K. After PAC is applied, the combustion performances of reverse-flow combustor in an aero-engine are remarkably improved. Experimental results indicate that ignition boundary is widened by 3.7%–12.5% because of the impact of plasma. Outlet highest temperature of combustor is raised by 19–75 K; outlet temperature distribution coefficient is reduced by 11.1%–26.6%. This research provides an effective and practicable way to implement the application of PAC in aero-engine combustor and has some engineering application significance.
出处 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第5期1035-1041,共7页 热科学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Funding Nos. 51436008, 91741112 and 51806245)
关键词 AERO-ENGINE reverse-flow COMBUSTOR double dielectric BARRIER discharge plasma assisted combustion aero-engine reverse-flow combustor double dielectric barrier discharge plasma assisted combustion
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