
基于共混聚醚共聚酰胺的气体分离膜的制备及性能研究 被引量:2

Preparation and Properties of Gas-Separation Membranes Based on Blends of Poly(ether-co-amide)
摘要 聚合物共混可以制备出兼有几种聚合物特性的共混膜。为了提高气体分离膜的综合性能,以2种不同型号的聚醚共聚酰胺(具有高选择性的Pebax1657和具有高渗透性的Pebax2533)为膜材料制备了气体分离膜,并对分离膜进行结构表征、分离性能和力学性能测试。结果表明,随着Pebax2533含量的增加,聚酰胺段的链间距逐渐增大,自由体积分数增大,玻璃化转变温度降低,断裂伸长率逐渐提高;与纯Pebax1657膜相比,共混膜的CO2和N2渗透系数同时增大,N2渗透系数增加速度较快;选择性逐渐降低;与纯Pebax膜相比,两者共混后的膜的综合性能有所提高。 Polymer blending can produce the blend membranes with different properties from different polymers. In order to improve the comprehensive performance of gas separation membranes, two different types of poly(ether-co-amide), Pebax 1657 with high selectivity and Pebax 2533 with high permeability, were used as membrane materials to prepare gas-separation membranes by a blending method, and the structure, separation performance and mechanical properties of the resulting separation membranes were investigated. The results indicated that the chain spacing of polyamide segments, free volume fraction and elongation at break increased with an increase of the content of Pebax 2533, and however the glass transition temperature decreased. Compared to pristine Pebax 1657 membrane, the blend membranes exhibited an increase in permeability coefficients of CO 2 and N 2 and a gradual decrease in selectivity. The permeability coefficient of N 2 was found to increase faster than that of CO 2 . Compared to pure Pebax-type membranes, the blended membranes presented an improvement in comprehensive properties.
作者 赵晴 何少剑 林俊 林千果 ZHAO Qing;HE Shaojian;LIN Jun;LIN Qianguo(School of Environmental Science and Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206,China;School of Renewable Energy, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206,China;Suzhou Institute of North China Electric Power University, Suzhou 215000,China)
出处 《中国塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期13-20,共8页 China Plastics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51773058) 膜法捕集CO2技术及工业示范项目(2017YFB0603400-01)
关键词 聚醚共聚酰胺 共混 二氧化碳捕集 膜分离法 Pebax poly(ether-co-amide) blend carbon dioxide capture membrane separation Pebax
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