
面向智能教育的三个基本计算问题 被引量:45

Computing Issues of Cognition, Instructional Behavior, and Learning Environment for Intelligent Education
摘要 以人工智能为核心的智能技术正在推动整个社会转型,人类社会将迎来人机协同、跨界融合、共创分享为特征的智能时代,人们期待教育发生系统变革,向“智能教育”转型和演进。本文首先论述智能技术给教育带来的深刻影响,包括:1)新一轮科技革命与全球可持续发展目标正强化教育变革诉求;2)社会信息化正“倒逼”学校课堂教学改革;3)智能技术被期待破解课堂教学改革困境;4)智能教育作为未来教育的基本特征正逐渐形成共识。在综合分析当前教育需要解决的主要矛盾和智能教育关键特征的基础上,本文提出了智能教育的三个基本计算问题,即认知计算、行为计算和环境计算,并深度剖析了面向学习绩效提升的认知计算、面向教学过程重构的行为计算和面向学习环境优化的环境计算的缘起及待研究的问题。文章最后提出了融合认知计算、行为计算、环境计算的“计算教育学”要素模型,期待人们对面向智能教育的基本计算问题展开广泛而深入的研究,推进人工智能与教育的共存共生,推动教育变革健康有序和促进人类社会可持续发展。 Intelligent technology, with the core of artificial intelligence, is transforming the whole society. The intelligent age with the features of human-machine coordination, cross-border integration, and co-creation is approaching. And the education system is expected to change systematically, evolving toward intelligent education. This paper starts with a discussion of the significant impacts of intelligent technology on education. These impacts include: 1) The new round of scientific and technological revolution and the goals of global sustainable development are strengthening the needs for reform of education(the needs of educational reform);2) Social informatization is forcing classroom teaching to reform itself;3) Intelligent technology is expected to solve the dilemma of the reform of classroom teaching;4) An agreement is being reached that intelligent education is a basic feature of future education. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the main challenges to be solved and the critical features of intelligent education, we proposed three basic computing problems of intelligent education, including cognitive computing, behavioral computing, and environmental computing. Then we deeply analyzed the origin and issues in the fields of cognitive computing for the improvement of learning performance, behavioral computing for the reconstruction of teaching and learning process, and environmental computing for the learning environment optimization. Finally, we proposed a conceptual model of "computational education" that integrating cognitive computing, behavioral computing, and environmental computing. We expect to see more comprehensive and deep research on the fundamental computing problems of intelligent education. We also encourage scholars to advance the coexistence of artificial intelligence and education rationally. In this way, we can accelerate educational reform in a healthy and orderly manner, and facilitate our society to proceed sustainably.
作者 黄荣怀 周伟 杜静 孙飞鹏 王欢欢 曾海军 刘德建 HUANG Ronghuai;ZHOU Wei;DU Jing;SUN Feipeng;WANG Huanhuan;ZENG Haijun;LIU Dejian(Smart Learning Institute,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;Faculty of Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期11-22,共12页 Open Education Research
基金 全国教育科学“十三五”规划2019年度国家重点课题“人工智能与未来教育发展研究”(ACA190006)
关键词 智能教育 认知计算 行为计算 环境计算 计算教育学 人工智能 intelligent education cognitive computing behavioral computing environmental computing computational pedagogy artificial intelligence
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