

The Application of SEDCAR Teaching Mode in the Group Training of Innovation and Enterprise Education in Health Colleges and Universities——A Case Study of Ningbo College of Health Sciences
摘要 以宁波卫生职业技术学院为例,展示SEDCAR教学模式在双创团体辅导中的应用案例。通过创建学习情境、小组协作探讨、知识系统构建、个体应用检验与修正、推动反思与内化等教学环节,使双创教育紧密依托专业,实现专创融合,激发零基础学生产生创业灵感,培养学生结合大健康产业背景的创新创业能力,打造非综合类高职院校双创教育新模式。 TakingNingbo College of Health Sciences as an example, this paperexploresthe application of SEDCAR teaching mode in the group training of innovation and enterprise education. Through the teaching process such as creating learning situations, group collaborationand exploration, constructing knowledge system, checking and acting the individual application test and revise, promoting reflection and internalization, SED? CAR teaching mode promotes the innovation and enterprise education to closely rely on specialty and achievesthe goal of the fusion between specialty and innovation. The entrepreneurialinspiration of the students is motivated, who lack the basic background of the relevant knowledge. Their innovation and entrepreneurship ability combined with the background of the health industry is also cultivated. It benefits the creation of a new education mode ofdouble-innovation education in non-comprehensive vocational colleges.
作者 陈燕娜 CHEN Yan-na(School of Nursing , Ningbo College of Health Sciences , Ningbo , Zhejiang 315000 , China)
出处 《晋城职业技术学院学报》 2019年第5期51-54,共4页 Journal of Jincheng Institute of Technology
关键词 SEDCAR教学模式 创新创业教育 卫生类院校 大健康产业 团体辅导 SEDCAR teaching mode innovation and enterprise education health colleges and universities health industry group training
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