
西藏墨脱县初中学生的近视患病率及影响因素 被引量:5

Prevalence and influencing factors of myopia among junior middle school students in Motuo County,Tibet
摘要 目的 分析我国西藏自治区林芝市墨脱县城区初中学生的近视患病率及影响因素。方法以2017年墨脱县城区初中学生为研究对象。以学校为基础进行横断面研究,开展问卷调查及基本的眼科检查,包括视力及屈光、眼前段检查、眼底检查等。屈光不正用等效球镜度数(SE)表示,近视的定义为任一眼等效球镜<-0.5D(Diopter)。结果 城区中学全部学生共518人,参与调查的为492人(参与率95.0%),年龄中位数为14.3岁,标准差1.08岁,男47.8%,女52.2%。研究人群近视(SE<-0.5D)患病率为15.0%(74/492),男学生近视率为7.23%(17/235),女学生近视率为22.2%(57/257),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。逻辑回归(logisticregression)分析年龄和性别与近视的关系,提示近视患病以女学生为多[P<0.001,95%置信区间为(2.07,6.54),OR值为3.68],与年龄无关[P=0.717,95%置信区间为(0.82,1.32),OR值为1.04]。结论 墨脱城区中学生近视学生以女学生为多,与年龄无关;提示初中学生近视率已经趋向稳定,对近视预防及关口需要前移,同时亟需加强对女学生进行近视预防教育。 Objective To analyze the prevalence and risk factors of myopia among middle school students in Motuo County, Tibet. Methods A school-based cross-sectional study was conducted on students of middle schools at Motuo County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet in 2017. A questionnaire survey and a comprehensive ophthalmic examination, including visual acuity and refractive examination, were performed. Equivalent spherical lens degree (SE) was used to evaluate refractive error, and myopia was defined as equivalent spherical lens degree of any eye <-0.5 D (Diopter). Results There were 518 students in the urban middle schools, and 492 of them participated in this study (participation rate: 95.0%). Their median (standard deviation) age was 14.3 (1.08) years old. 47.8% of them were male, and 52.2% female. The prevalence of myopia (SE <-0.5 D) in the study population was 15.0%(74/492). 7.23%(17/235) male students and 22.2%(57/257) female students had myopia, respectively, showing a statistical difference (P < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated the relationship of age and gender with myopia. The female students had higher risk for myopic disease [P < 0.001, 95% confidence interval (2.07, 6.54), OR=3.68], while age had nothing to do with myopia [P = 0.717, 95% confidence interval (0.82, 1.32), OR =1.04]. Conclusion The risk of myopia among middle school students in Motuo county is higher in female. No significant correlation was found between myopia and age. It is suggested that the myopia rate of junior middle school students has been tending to be stable. Earlier intervention of myopia is required especially for female students.
作者 蔡玥 姚娜 陈冬翠 龚夏 黄文勇 陈林兴 Cai Yue;Yao Na;Chen Dongcui;Gong Xia;Huang Wenyong;Chen Linxing(Sun Yat-Sen Ophthalmic Center,Sun Yat-Sen Univsersity,Guangzhou 510060,China)
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2019年第17期2921-2923,共3页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
关键词 西藏地区 初中学生 近视患病率 屈光不正 影响因素 Tibet Junior middle school Prevalence of myopia Ametropia Influence factor
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