

Birds Survey Around Proposed Changling Airport Clearance Area and Its Surrounding Area
摘要 为了解拟建长岭机场净空区及其周边区域内鸟类及其栖息环境,采用常规样线法、样点法相结合方法,同时进行社会调查,对调查区域候鸟种类、分布及迁徙集群等进行调查,结果表明:该区域共分布有鸟类15目36科92种,其中:非雀形目鸟66种,雀形目鸟26种,分别约占鸟类种类总数的71.7%和28.3%;种类组成以候鸟为主体,有74种,占种类总数的80.4%,其中夏候鸟41种,旅鸟29种,冬候鸟4种,分别占种类总数的44.6%、31.5%和4.3%;留鸟仅18种,占种类总数的19.6%。样线总遇见率3.56只·km^-1,单种样线遇见率高的是麻雀,0.56只·km^-1,其次是短趾百灵,0.46只·km^-1,大斑啄木鸟、雕鸮、蓝歌鸲、毛脚鵟和纵纹腹小鸮5种遇见率仅有0.02只·km^-1。 In order to understand the birds and their habitats in the proposed clearance area of Changling Airport and its surrounding areas, a combination of conventional line method and sample method was used to conduct a social survey to investigate the species, distribution and migration clusters of migratory birds in the area. After investigation, the results showed that there were 92 species of 36 families and 15 species in the region, including 66 species of non-passerines and 26 species of passerines, accounting for 71.7 % and 28.3 % of the total number of birds, respectively. The species composition is mainly migratory birds, with 74 species, accounting for 80.4 % of the total species, including 41 species of summer migratory birds, 29 species of migratory birds and 4 species of winter migratory birds, accounting for 44.6 %, 31.5 % and 4.3 % of the total species, respectively. Only 18 resident species, accounting for 19.6 % of the total number of species. The total meteorological rate of the sample line was 3.56 per kilometres. The Passer whose single sample was highest was 0.56 per kilometres, followed by the Calandrella cheleensis 0.46 per kilometres. The encounter rates of Dendrocopos major, Bubo bubo, Luscinia cyane, Buteo lagopus and Athene noctua were only 0.02 per kilometres.
作者 张秀兰 韩晓东 姚明远 刘庆珍 吴景才 朱春伟 ZHANG Xiulan;HAN Xiaodong;YAO Mingyuan;LIU Qingzhen;WU Jingcai;ZHU Chunwei(Jilin Xianghai National Level Natural Conservation Area Administration,Baicheng 137215,China;Jilin Provincial Academy of Forestry Science,Changchun 130033,China)
出处 《吉林林业科技》 2019年第5期18-24,共7页 Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 长岭 机场净空区 鸟类 调查 Changling airport clearance area birds investigation
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