

Study on Health Seeking Behaviors of Ancient Patients
摘要 就医行为是指医患关系建立之前,患者感知、评判自身健康与疾病状况,决定是否就医、何时就医、何处就医的一系列活动,可以划分为评判疾病、寻求医疗帮助两方面的内容。以中国古典文学中记叙的就医故事为范本,对患者的就医行为进行评析,总结出影响患者就医的因素以及患者在就医时应该具备的基本道德素养,以期对当今的医患关系研究有所裨益。 The health seeking behavior of patient is a series of activities that include patients perceive and judge their own health status, decide whether, when and where to seek medical treatment, all of which are before the establishment of doctor-patient relationship. There activities can be divided into two parts: diagnosing disease and seeking medical intervention. Based on reviewing the medical care related stories in Chinese classical literature, this paper comments on the health seeking behaviors of patients, and sums up its influencing factors and the basic moral responsibilities that patients should take when they seeking medical care, so as to provide implication for promoting today's doctor-patient relationship.
作者 杨同卫 刘国 吕军 YANG Tong-wei;LIU Guo;LV Jun(School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China)
出处 《医学与哲学》 2019年第17期11-14,共4页 Medicine and Philosophy
基金 2018年山东省社会科学规划重点项目(18BFXJ06)
关键词 就医行为 古代患者 医患关系 health seeking behavior ancient patient doctor-patient relationship
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