

Interrupting Presented Humorous Effects in the Movie
摘要 无论是影视作品、文学作品还是相声小品,都会从言语结构方面着手设计喜剧情节。本文从会话分析的角度出发,通过分析打断模式,以迪士尼畅销喜剧片《加勒比海盗》系列片中的会话为语料,分析言语幽默的生成机制。所得出的结论是:喜剧效果的产生不仅取决于剧中人的说话内容,还取决于由会话交替机制所决定的对话交流结构,非合意回答、对话轮的打断等方式可以有效增强影视作品的幽默效果。 Whether in film and television works, iterary works or comic dialogues, comedy plots will be designed from the perspective of speech structure. This article analyzed the generative mechanism of verbal humor from the perspective of conversation analysis, and using the conversation in Disney's best-selling comedy "Pirates of the Caribbean" series as corpus by analyzing the interruption pattern. It is concluded that the production of comedy effects depends not only on the content of the people in the play, but also on the structure of the dialogue and communication as determined by the conversational alternation mechanism, such as non-consensual responses and interruptions of turns can effectively enhance the humorous effects of film and television works.
作者 张雅堃 Zhang Yakun(Foreign language school,Henan University of science and technology,Luoyang 471023 Henan China)
出处 《中国民航飞行学院学报》 2019年第5期51-53,共3页 Journal of Civil Aviation Flight University of China
关键词 打断 幽默 加勒比海盗 Interruption Humor Pirates of the Caribbean
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