
我国青少年越野滑雪运动员体能现状及选材指标筛选 被引量:16

Strength and Conditioning Status and Selection Index Screening of Chinese Junior Cross-country Skiers
摘要 目的:通过对我国青少年越野滑雪运动员体能现状的分析,了解该项目在我国开展的基础状况和水平,为今后进行青少年越野滑雪运动员科学选材研究提供依据。方法:对我国越野滑雪优势省份(黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古、辽宁、河北)的22支队伍,共计170名12~17岁男、女青少年越野滑雪运动员的23项指标进行测试。具体指标包括身体形态指标9项:身高、体重、坐高、上肢长、下肢长B、跟腱长、指距、肩宽、体脂百分比;生理机能指标7项:VO2max、无氧阈(AT)、每分通气量、肺活量、最大运动心率、血红蛋白、血清睾酮;身体素质指标7项:立定跳远、引体向上(男)、曲臂悬垂(女)、坐位体前屈、十字象限跳、30 m快速爬行、3 000m跑。结果和结论:1)我国青少年越野滑雪运动员的体能水平整体不高,具体表现为身体充实度指数偏小,下肢偏短;VO2max偏低,AT水平较高,有氧耐力遗传潜力不高,但训练水平较高;身体素质整体水平不高。2)通过多元逐步回归筛选得到了青少年越野滑雪运动员选材指标体系,其中男子为体脂百分比、跟腱长/身高×100、下肢长B/身高!100、指距、VO2max、血清睾酮、肺活量、引体向上、立定跳远这9项指标,女子为身高、克托莱指数、跟腱长、下肢长B/身高!100、VO2max、曲臂悬垂、立定跳远这7项指标。 Objective: Through the analysis of the strength and conditioning status of our country's junior cross-country skiers,this paper understands the basic situation and level of the project in our country,and provides the basis for the future research on the scientific selection of junior cross-country skiers. Methods: Twenty-two teams( 170 12-17 years old male and female cross-country skiers) from the dominant provinces of cross-country skiing in China( Heilongjiang,Jilin,Inner Mongolia,Liaoning and Hebei) were tested on 23 indicators. These indicators include 9 body shape indicators( height,weight,sitting height,upper limb length,lower limb length,achilles tendon length,distance between both middle fingers,shoulder width,body fat percentage),7 physiological function indicators( VO_(2max),anaerobic threshold( AT),ventilation volume per minute,vital capacity,maximum exercise heart rate,hemoglobin,serum testosterone),and 7 physical fitness indicators( standing long jump,pull-up( male),curved arm hanging( female),sitting forward bend,cross quadrant jump,30 m fast crawl,3 000 m run). Results and conclusions: 1) China's junior cross-country skiers' physical fitness level is not high as a whole,which is manifested by slender body and short lower limbs;they have low VO_(2max),high AT level,low genetic potential of aerobic endurance,but high training level;and have low overall level of physical fitness. 2) Through multiple stepwise regression screening,the index system of junior cross-country skiers' selection is obtained. Nine indexes are for male skaters: body fat percentage,( achilles tendon length/height)×100,( lower limb length/height)×100,distance between both middle fingers,VO_(2max),serum testosterone,vital capacity,lead up and standing long jump;7 indicators are for female skaters: height,Ketoley index,achilles tendon length,( lower limb length/height)× 100,VO_(2max),curved arm hanging and standing long jump.
作者 任弘 杨昊 安林彬 李燕春 李晓明 陈贻珊 REN Hong;YANG Hao;AN Lin-bin;LI Yan-chun;LI Xiao-ming;CHEN Yi-shan(Key Lab. of Sport and Fitness Health Depart., Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China;Winter Sport Administration Center of General Administration of Sport of China, Beijing 100044, China;Snow Training Center of Heilongjing Province, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang China)
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期43-52,共10页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 国家体育总局青少司2017年“青少年运动员选材标准的研制”项目经费资助
关键词 越野滑雪 青少年 运动员选材 VO2MAX 体能 cross-country skiing youth athlete selection VO2max strength and conditioning
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