

A Study of Moses
摘要 摩西是《希伯来圣经》中记载的希伯来先知、立法者,被认为是犹太教的创始人。犹太教传统认为摩西是《希伯来圣经》首五卷的作者,故此五卷又称《摩西五经》,它是希伯来法的主要渊源。《希伯来圣经》后来被基督教吸收编入《圣经新旧约全书》,称《旧约》,从而成为基督教经典,借助《圣经》的传播,对西方法律文明产生重大而深远的影响。因此,希伯来立法者摩西在希伯来法律史乃至西方法律发展史上具有重要地位。然而自17世纪中期以来,学术界相继对摩西作为《摩西五经》的作者身份提出质疑,甚至在对摩西的民族身份进行探讨时,推断摩西是埃及人。为了证实《圣经》的历史真实性,考古学家围绕《圣经》的叙述开展发掘,但到目前为止,尚无考古证据证明《圣经》中所描述的出埃及真正发生过。本文以《圣经》所载摩西生平为线索,从摩西的出生、摩西的名字、摩西的婚姻、摩西的出埃及、摩西的死亡、摩西的身份和摩西的历史真实性等方面,结合相关文献和考古资料,对摩西的历史真相进行了探索。 Moses was recorded as a Hebrew prophet and law-giver in the Hebrew Bible,who was considered as the founder of Judaism. According to Jewish tradition, Moses was the author of the first five volumes of the Hebrew Bible. Therefore the first five volumes were also called the Torah. Torah was the main source of Hebrew law. The Hebrew Bible was later incorporated into the Old and New Testaments and it was called the Old Testament and became a Christian classic. With the spread of the Bible, the Hebrew Bible has a significant and far-reaching impact on Western legal civilization. Therefore, Hebrew law-giver Moses has an important position in the history of Hebrew law and the Western law. However, since the middle of the 17 th century, the academic circles successively questioned Moses as the author of Torah. Even when discussing the national identity of Moses, Moses was inferred to be an Egyptian. In order to confirm the historical authenticity of the Bible, archaeologists have done exploration according to the narrative of the Bible.But so far, there is no archaeological evidence to support that the Exodus described in the Bible actually happened. With the life of Moses in the Bible as a clue, this article makes a study of Moses from the following aspects: the birth of Moses, the name of Moses, the marriage of Moses, the Exodus of Moses, the death of Moses, the identity of Moses, and the historical authenticity of Moses for the sake of exploring the historical truth of Moses.
作者 何勤华 张戈平 He Qinhua;Zhang Geping(East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042)
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期58-69,157,共13页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“法律文明史”(项目编号:11﹠ZD081)第1个子课题“法律文明的起源”的阶段性成果
关键词 摩西 圣经 希伯来 立法者 《摩西五经》 历史真实性 Moses Bible Hebrew law-giver Torah historical authenticity
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