
基于北斗的森林火灾预警系统的研究 被引量:1

The Research of Forest Fire Warning System Based on Beidou Navigation
摘要 森林资源是人类的必需资源。随着全球气候变暖,森林火灾预防尤为重要。此设计通过在森林部署MQ-2烟雾传感器、红外二氧化碳传感器、PT100温度传感器,结合无线传感网技术建立基站。当出现火源时,温度、烟雾浓度、二氧化碳浓度等超过阈值,无线传感网系统GreenOrbs以多跳传输方式将数据信息传回基站。林区基站处理与分析数据,由北斗通信模块UM330向北斗卫星发送警报信号与火源信息。地面监控系统接收警报信号,迅速联动相关部门实施火灾扑救。该设计结构简单,能高效实现森林火灾实时监控。 Forest resources are essential resources for human beings. With the global warming, forest fire prevention is particularly important. This design establishes base station by deploying MQ-2 smoke sensor, infrared carbon dioxide sensor and PT100 temperature sensor in forest, and combining wireless sensor network technology. When a fire occurs, the temperature, smoke concentration and carbon dioxide concentration exceed the threshold value. The wireless sensor network system GreenOrbs transmits the data back to the base station by multi-hop transmission. Base stations in forest areas process and analyze data, and send alarm signals and fire information to Beidou satellite by the communication module UM330. The ground monitoring system receives alarm signals and quickly links with relevant departments to implement fire fighting. The design has simple structure and can efficiently realize real-time monitoring of forest fires.
作者 朱露晶 郑娅婷 Zhu Lujing;Zheng Yating(Hunan University of Information Technology, Changsha Hunan 410100, China)
机构地区 湖南信息学院
出处 《信息与电脑》 2019年第15期91-93,共3页 Information & Computer
关键词 森林火灾 传感器 GreenOrbs 北斗 实时监控 forest fires sensor GreenOrbs Beidou real-time monitoring.
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