
GuidezillaTM延长导管在复杂冠状动脉介入治疗中的应用 被引量:3

Case series experience of GuidezillaTM extension catheter for percutaneous interventional therapy of complex lesions
摘要 目的对应用Guidezilla^TM延长导管在复杂经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)中的有效性及安全性进行评估,并总结应用Guidezilla^TM临床经验。方法2017年1月至2018年12月邯郸市第一医院PCI手术中应用因球囊或支架难以通过,补救性应用Guidezilla^TM辅助球囊或支架通过病变进行PCI手术患者53例。收集术中穿刺入路、病变性质、靶血管开口变异、钙化迂曲、特殊操作及Guidezilla^TM延长导管深插冠状动脉长度等数据,观察应用该器械的安全性和有效性。结果应用Guidezilla^TM辅助球囊和支架进行手术患者53例,其中成功植入支架49例(92.5%)。经右桡动脉途径45例、经右股动脉进行手术8例,靶血管开口异常4例,靶血管开口存在病变22例,慢性完全闭塞病变19例,钙化病变19例,迂曲病变9例,钙化迂曲病变24例,辅助旋磨磨头达到病变1例,Guidezilla^TM深插冠状动脉深度(19.38±12.66)mm。术中术后无严重并发症,无死亡病例。结论在复杂PCI治疗中,补救性应用Guidezilla^TM辅助介入治疗安全有效,手术成功率高,安全有效,并发症少。 Objective To summarize reportson experience using the Guidezilla^TM extension catheter for complex coronary lesions at the documented institution and evaluation of its safety and efficacy. Methods We retrospectively collected 53 cases from the Cardiology Department of Handan First Hospital from January of 2017 to December of 2018 who had received percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).Guidezilla^TM extension catheter was used during PCI Since the balloon or stent cannot pass leision.The clinical,angiographic and procedural data of all 53 procedures were collected.the safety and efficacy of this novel equipment was evaluated.In addition,recorde the successful rate and the incidence of complications.the adverse cardiovascular events were also recorded during follow-up. Results 53 patients were received with Guidezilla^TM extension-assisted balloon and stent to achieve coronary artery lesions for PCI.The mean depth of intubation was 19.38 ± 12.66 mm.Stent implantation was successful in 49 out of 53 procedures ( 92.5%).45 cases via radial artery,8 cases via arteria femoralis,4 cases of target abnormal openings,22 cases of target vessel narrow openings,19 cases of chronic,totally occluded (CTO) 9 cases circuity pathological changes,19 cases of calcified lesions,9 cases of tortuosity lesions and 24 case of tortuosity and calcified lesions.1cases of rotational atherectomy.None of the patients experienced coronary dissection,thrombogenesis air embolism,or other major complications during the procedure. Conclusion The use of Guidezilla^TM guide extension catheter to support extension catheter assisted balloon and stent to reach the lesion site of complex coronary lesion is safe and effective and has a higher success rate and less complications.
作者 袁思敏 赵秀峰 信栓力 常超 刘丽军 韩丽英 Yuan Simin;Zhao Xiufeng;Xin Shuanli;Chang Chao;Liu Lijun;Han Liying(First Department of Cardiology,Handan First Hospital,Handan 056000,China)
出处 《临床荟萃》 CAS 2019年第8期720-723,共4页 Clinical Focus
关键词 血管成形术 气囊 冠状动脉 Guidezilla^TM延长导管 复杂病变 angioplasty,balloon,coronary Guidezilla^TM extensioncatheter complex coronary lesion
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