
解读切萨雷·布兰迪《修复理论》内外的若干关键词 被引量:4

An Interpretation of Some Keywords in and beyond Cesare Brandi’s Teoria del restauro
摘要 从博物馆中的可移动文物到不可移动的各种建筑遗产,在广泛的物质文化遗产保护界,人们都难以避开切萨雷·布兰迪的影响,他的思想深刻影响了20世纪60年代以来广受认同的一种保护文化和修复体系。本文旨在解读反映在他最核心的保护和修复著作《修复理论》内外的若干关键词,包括评论性修复的含义,艺术作品之于他的意义以及由此派生的三种修复理念,《修复理论》反映出的彻底的现代主义,用以规范修复的普世性自然法,以及他的《修复理论》在当下所面临的挑战及其适用性。 Cesare Brandi stands out as the most influential figure for theorization and diffusion of modern restoration, whose thought has a profound impact on conservation-restoration of culture heritage since 1960 s and its scope in a wide range of tangible culture heritage from movable historic artifacts in museums to unmovable built heritage. This paper is intended to interpret some keywords in and beyond Cesare Brandi’s Teoria del restauro best reflecting his theory, including critical restoration, works of art and three restoration ideas thus derived from the interpretation of these two terms. The author also wants to reveal the radical modernism, and the universal natural law used to regulate restoration in Brandi’s Teoria, as well as the applicability and relevance of his Teoria to the present.
作者 陆地 钟燕 LU Di;ZHONG Yan
出处 《建筑师》 2019年第4期76-85,共10页 The Architect
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“我国砖石建筑遗产的古锈(patina)保护研究”(51378351) 国家自然科学基金项目“历史城区辨识、评估及保护设计的相关方法研究”(51778428)
关键词 物质文化遗产 评论性修复 艺术作品 自然法 Tangible cultural heritage Restauro critico [Critical restoration] Work of art Natural law
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