
新乡市学前教育发展现状研究 被引量:1

A Research on the Present Situation of Preschool Education in Xinxiang
摘要 基于2002―2016年《河南省教育统计提要》和2012―2017年《新乡市统计年鉴》数据,从物力资源、教育规模和人力资源三个方面共12个指标分析新乡市学前教育的发展现状。结果表明:(1)从纵向发展来看,新乡市幼儿园规模以2012年为拐点先升后降,其中,民办园比例以2010年为拐点,呈先升后降趋势;教职工规模和专任教师数整体呈上升趋势,但专任教师比例则先升后降;专任教师中本科及其以上、专科、高中、高中以下学历比例分别由2004年的3.01%、39.68%、53.27%、4.04%变化为2016年的12.33%、56.90%、27.14%、3.69%;专任教师数与在园幼儿数之比由2002年的1/51.04提高到2016年的1/19.58。(2)从横向来看,新乡四区八县民办园比例高于河南省,其中,经济条件较好和较差的区县民办园比例较高;县域专任教师比例优于市辖区,而市辖区的师幼比优于县域。通过现状分析发现新乡市学前教育发展存在民办幼儿园比例过高、幼儿园教师资源配置不均、专任教师未评职称比例较高、师幼比偏高等问题。建议:调整办园结构,扩充普惠学前教育资源;单列幼儿园教师编制,制度性保障幼儿园教师数量;完善幼儿园教师的职称评定制度。 Based on the summary of education statistics in Henan from 2002 to 2016 and the Statistical Yearbook of Xinxiang from 2012 to 2017,the development status of preschool education in Xinxiang is analyzed from three aspects as material resources,educational scale and human resources.The results show that:(1)From the point of view of vertical development,the scale of kindergarten in Xinxiang rose at first and then decreased with 2012 as the inflection point,in which the proportion of private kindergartens rose at first and then decreased,the scale of teaching staff and the number of full-time teachers showed an upward trend as a whole,but the proportion of full-time teachers increased at first and then decreased.Among the full-time teachers,the proportion of Bachelor degree or above,higher specialist training qualifications,high school degree or below changed from 3.01%,39.68%,53.27%,4.04%to 12.33%,56.90%,27.14%and 3.69%respectively.The ratio of full-time teachers to children in the kindergarten increased from 1/51.04 in 2002 to 1/19.58 in 2016.(2)Horizontally,the proportion of private kindergartens in eight counties of Xinxiang four districts is higher than that in Henan,among which the proportion of private kindergartens in districts with good and poor economic conditions is higher,and the proportion of full-time teachers in counties is better than that in municipal districts,while the ratio of teachers to children in municipal districts is better than that in counties.Through the analysis of present situation,it is found that there are the following problems in the development of preschool education in Xinxiang:the proportion of private kindergartens is too high;the allocation of kindergarten teachers'resources is uneven;the proportion of unrated titles of full-time teachers is high;the ratio of teachers to children is on the high side.Suggestions:adjust the structure of the kindergarten,expand the resources of inclusive preschool education;set up the separate entry of kindergarten teachers,systematically guarantee the number of kindergarten teachers;improve the professional title evaluation system of kindergarten teachers.
作者 王晶 杨子瑶 WANG Jing;YANG Ziyao(Henan Institute of Science and Technology,Xinxiang 453003,China)
机构地区 河南科技学院
出处 《河南科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第8期15-23,共9页 Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology
基金 2019年度河南省教育科学“十三五”规划一般课题“新型城镇化背景下河南学前教育资源优化配置研究”(2019-JKGHYB-0143),主持人:王晶
关键词 新乡市 学前教育 教育资源 Xinxiang preschool education educational resources
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