
面板数据分位数回归模型的工具变量估计 被引量:1

Instrumental Variables Estimation of Quantile Regression Model with Panel Data
摘要 针对含有内生变量的面板数据回归模型,提出基于工具变量的分位数回归估计方法.首先,通过引入工具变量解决协变量的内生性问题,然后利用分位数回归的方法对回归系数进行估计.在一些正则条件下,证明所提出估计的大样本性质,通过模拟研究证实该方法的有限样本性质. In this paper, we consider the panel data regression model with endogenous variables. Aquantile regression estimation is proposed based on the instrumental variables. To deal with the en- dogenous variables, we introduce some instrumental variables. The regression coe cient is estimated by the quantile regression. The large sample property is established for the proposed estimators under some regularity conditions. Simulation results illustrate the nite sample properties of the proposed method.
作者 邹灵 吴东晟 杨宜平 ZOU Ling;WU Dongsheng;YANG Yiping(College of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing Technology and Business University,Chongqing 400067,China)
出处 《应用数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期930-934,共5页 Mathematica Applicata
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(18BTJ035)
关键词 面板数据 分位数回归 工具变量 渐近正态 Panel data Quantile regression Instrumental variable Asymptotic normality
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