
创建中国天然气净化基地的思考——战略目标实施 被引量:1

Reflections on Establishing Natural Gas Purification Base in China——Implementation of Strategic Objectives
摘要 中国石油西南油气田公司重庆天然气净化总厂(以下简称净化总厂)根据自身发展定位和发展规划,将建设中国天然气净化基地作为企业发展的战略目标,同时提出了"精优强"三大战略作为其实现中国天然气净化基地战略目标的实施战略。为了明确净化总厂"精优强"三大实施战略的工作内容和工作思路,解决其在发展过程中未形成可实施的"精优强"三大战略建设工作方向,笔者研究了净化总厂近几年的工作报告和生产资料,通过综合分析净化总厂自身的业务优势、发展现状和内外部环境,提出了"精优强"三大战略的定义、工作内容和工作方向以及如何通过"精优强"三大实施战略来夯实和推进中国天然气净化基地战略目标内容和实施。结论认为:(1)通过"精优强"三大实施战略,夯实了天然气净化基地战略目标的建设内容;(2)培育了净气文化,引领、锻造员工队伍;(3)培养净化行业领先的技术技能和管理人才;(4)形成了以净化生产为主、净化技术领先,专业管理、净化人才、配套业务一体化发展的专业化管理模式;(5)立足行业发展,从而高质量的推进其建设中国天然气净化基地战略目标的实现。 Chongqing Natural Gas Purification General Plant of PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company(hereinafter referred to as the Purification General Plant) takes the construction of China Natural Gas Purification Base as the strategic goal of enterprise development according to its own development orientation and development plan, and puts forward three strategies of "Excellence and Strength" as its implementation strategy to realize the strategic goal of China Natural Gas Purification Base. In order to clarify the work contents and working ideas of the three major implementation strategies of the General Purification Plant and to solve the problem that the three major strategic construction directions of the General Purification Plant have not been formed in the course of its development, the author has studied the work reports and production materials of the General Purification Plant in recent years, and put forward the suggestions through comprehensive analysis of its own business advantages, development status and internal and external environment. The definition, content and direction of the three strategies of "Excellence and Strength" and how to consolidate and promote the content and implementation of the strategic objectives of China’s natural gas purification base through the three strategies of "Excellence and Strength". It is concluded that:(1) Through the three implementation strategies of "Excellent and Strong", the construction contents of the strategic objectives of natural gas purification base have been consolidated;(2) The culture of clean gas has been fostered to lead and forge the workforce;(3) The leading technical skills and managerial talents in the purification industry have been trained;(4) The integration of purification production, purification technology, professional management, purification personnel and supporting business has been formed. Professional management mode of exhibition;(5) Based on industry development, so as to promote the realization of its strategic goal of building China’s natural gas purification base with high quality.
作者 高进 喻泽汉 傅适 邱斌 GAO Jin;YU Ze-han;FU Shi;QIU Bin(Southwest oil and Gas Field Corporation Chongqing Natural Gas Purification General Factory,Chongqing 401147,China)
出处 《化工管理》 2019年第28期136-139,共4页 Chemical Engineering Management
关键词 天然气净化总厂 中国天然气净化基地 战略目标 “精优强”三大实施战略 natural gas purification general plant China natural gas purification base strategic objectives three implementing strategies of "excellence and strength"
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