
家族承诺何以影响企业的风险承担? 被引量:5

How does Family Commitment Affect Risk-taking of the Firm?
摘要 企业创新创业活动具有很强的风险承担属性,创新创业研究离不开对风险承担的关注。本文考察家族承诺对家族企业风险承担的影响机制,基于2015年全国范围内非公有制企业调研,对877个家族企业样本的研究结果显示,家族承诺正向促进企业的风险承担,企业长期导向在家族承诺和企业风险承担的关系中起部分中介作用。通过引入企业长期导向,文章弥补了家族涉入到企业产出之间"缺失的一环"。与此同时本文验证了企业长期导向在中国家族企业情境下,并非有碍而是促进了家族企业风险承担。 In contrast,most of the family businesses in China lie in relatively low-tech,low-cost and low value-added industries. Under the background of supply-side reform advocated by the government based on innovation and entrepreneurship,researching and analyzing how Chinese family enterprises involve in innovation and entrepreneurship activity is an issue of epoch and urgency. But no matter of innovation or entrepreneurship at the firm level is inseparable from the concern of risk-taking. The family commitment is an important indicator of family w illingness that cannot neglect w hen w e study the activities of family firms. Is the family commitment beneficial to the risk-taking? What is the mechanism? Utilizing the unique data w hich includes 877 family firm samples across China,the empirical result show s that family commitment plays positive effect on risk-taking of the firm. And further,the paper finds that long-term orientation of enterprise has a partial mediating effect on the influences of family commitment to risk-taking.The contributions of the study as follow : firstly,past research either compared family and non-family enterprises to study the similarities and differences of risk-taking,or stuck to the study of the influence of family ow nership/management on risk-taking of the firm. From the perspective of family w illingness,this paper explores the relationship betw een family commitment-the family essence -and risk-taking,w hich contributes to the important antecedent of entrepreneurial activity of family firms. Secondly,long-term orientation is a prominent feature of family firms,w hich determines the strategic control of enterprises. We argue that w hen family commitment leads enterprises to focus on long-term orientation strategy,employees do not have too much short-term performance pressure and dismissal pressure. In such an atmosphere,enterprises can be more tolerant and supportive of employees ’ failures in risk-taking actions. Through the development the mediating effect of long-term orientation,the article unfolds the role of family factors( family commitment) in influencing family firm activity and expounds the mechanism of the relationship betw een family and enterprise,making complete for the"missing link"betw een the family involvement and the outcome of the family firm. In addition to the above tw o theoretical contributions,this paper also has an empirical result contribution,that is,the results show that the long-term orientation of family business in the Chinese context positively affects risk taking of the firm.Western scholars have disputed theoretical propositions on the above relationship. Lumpkin et al.( 2010) proposed that family firm because of focusing on reputation and family control lead to the long-term orientation negative impact on risk-taking;While Breton-M iller and M iller( 2006) view ed that,the ow ner of family firms- generally have longer tenure compared to non-family firms -can invest in innovation w ithout considering time w indow s,and better integrate human capital and relative innovative know ledge,w hich makes the long-term orientation positive impact on risk-taking. By empirical testing w hich supports the latter’s point of view,this article verifies that the long-term orientation of enterprise under the Chinese context does not hinder but instead promotes the risk-taking of the family business.
作者 傅颖 窦军生 吴炳德 Fu Ying;Dou Junsheng;Wu Bingde
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期100-113,共14页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目“家族企业公司创业驱动机制与长效路径研究”(19YJC630036)、“转型升级背景下的家族企业创新行为研究”(17YJC630170) 国家自然科学基金项目“家族参与对组织二元性及其价值效应的影响机制研究:基于社会情感财富视角”(71672173)
关键词 家族承诺 长期导向 风险承担 意愿 创新创业 中国情境 Family Commitment Long-term Orientation Risk Taking Willingness Innovation and Entrepreneurship Chinese Context
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