

Internet of Things Architecture Based on Relationship
摘要 物联网是互联网技术、传感技术、智能终端技术等发展到一定阶段后出现的一种聚合性应用。本文认为,其体系结构既要满足对互联网体系结构的继承性,又能反映物体、服务等在现实世界中的相互关系。基于此观点,提出了基于关系的物联网体系结构,给出了物体之间关系的构建方法,提出了关系域、物体的关系属性的概念。物体之间关系的建立,真实反映了物体在现实世界中的关系属性,对物联网的兼容性、安全性、可靠性及智能应用具有重要作用。 Internet of things is the integration of several technologies such as the Internet,wireless sensor networks,smart terminals and so on.We think that its architecture not only satisfy the succession of the internet,but also reflect the relationship among entities and services similar to what happens in the real world.Based on this viewpoint,we propose the relation-oriented architecture of internet of things.The construction of relations is elaborated and the domain of relation,attribute of relation are also proposed.These relations among entities,which reflect the attribute of objects in real world,are important to the compatibility,security,reliability,and intelligence application of internet of things.
作者 丁义 DING Yi(Department of computer science and technology,Dezhou University,Dezhou 253023,China)
出处 《软件》 2019年第9期124-128,共5页 Software
关键词 物联网 体系结构 关系层 Internet of things Architecture Relation layer
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