
高职学生核心素养评价的困境及对策 被引量:3

The difficulties and the ways to carry out the core literacy evaluation of higher vocational students
摘要 中国有关于核心素养概念的提出相对较晚,由于核心素养评价本身复杂、评价机制不够成熟、评价主体的发展具有复杂性等原因,开展高职学生核心素养评价存在一定难度。分析高职学生核心素养评价的困境,提出建立以核心素养为本的教育评价体系、设立面向高职学生的第三方素养测评机构,同时结合高职学生自身发展特点、重点攻克核心素养评价技术难关,鼓励师生共同参与评价过程,让评价方式呈现多元化。 The concept of core literacy has been put forward relatively late in China.The evaluation mechanism is not mature enough,the evaluation of core literacy is complicated,and the development of students in higher vocational colleges is complicated,so it is difficult to carry out the evaluation of core literacy of students in higher vocational colleges.Based on the analysis of the dilemma of students’core literacy evaluation in higher vocational colleges,this paper puts forward that we should establish a core literacy-based education evaluation system,set up a third-party literacy evaluation institution for higher vocational students,focus on the core literacy evaluation technology based on the characteristics of student development,and encourage teachers and students to participate in the evaluation process so as to diversify the evaluation methods.
作者 李佳婷 LI Jia-ting(School of Economics,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou,350117,China)
出处 《闽西职业技术学院学报》 2019年第3期42-45,86,共5页 Journal of Minxi Vocational and Technical College
关键词 核心素养 高职学生 核心素养评价 core lierany higher vocational students core literacy evaluation
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