
楚辞与杜甫的喜雨诗和恨旱诗 被引量:1

The Elegies of Chu and Du Fu’s Joy-for-Rain Poems and Hatred-for-Drought Poems
摘要 杜甫视诗歌为家传的事业,杜甫的先祖在古代诗人中享有地位。中国诗歌起源于诗骚。楚辞为杜甫一生所喜欢,而屈原为杜甫一生所景仰。杜甫又生性喜好道教。杜甫曾经前往东蒙山和终南山等地寻访道士,以期获得道术,增进道术。杜甫一生徜徉于楚辞与道教之间,他终生都在修炼道术。喜好楚辞使得杜甫心胸旷达,修炼道术使得杜甫体魄强健。杜甫人如其名,乃是一位真正的美男子。杜甫因为失足落水而逝世于湘江中,享年五十九岁,其寿延在古代基本上属于正常的范围。如非遭遇意外,杜甫本来可更加长寿。中国从商代起就以栽培农业立国。在唐代中国的栽培农业更加发达,而栽培农业与雨水关系密切。在杜甫的诗歌创作中有一组喜雨诗和一些恨旱诗。这些诗篇涉及到楚辞中的神明诸如雷师、云师、雨师、旱魃等。厘清相关诸神的神格有助于深刻地理解杜诗。 Du Fu regarded poetry as a great cause,and his ancestors occupied some position among so many ancient poets.The Chinese poetry originated from the Book of Songs and the Elegies of Chu,and Qu Yuan,the poet of the latter was worshiped and beloved by Du Fu all his life.In order to acquire and improve his Taoist skills,Du Fu once climbed up Mount Dong Meng and the Zhongnan Mountains to visit some eminent Taoists who lived there.All his life Du Fu wandered between the Elegies of Chu and Taoism,and he practiced Taoist skills diligently.Loving the Elegies of Chu made Du Fu open-minded,and practicing Taoist skills made him strong psychologically and physically.Du Fu,as his name suggests,was a handsome man indeed.He passed away because of falling into the Xiang River accidentally at the age of 59,and this death age was quite normal at that time.If without the accident,Du Fu should have lived longer. China is a great country based on planting agriculture since the Shang Dynasty,and it was more so in the Tang Dynasty. In Du Fu’s poems,there are works showing his joy for the rain and his hatred for the drought.These poems refer to gods in Elegies of Chu,such as the gods of thunders,clouds,rains,droughts.Clarifying the related divine gods is helpful for us to understand Du Fu’s poems comprehensively.
作者 张思齐 ZHANG Siqi(College of Literature,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
机构地区 武汉大学文学院
出处 《大连大学学报》 2019年第4期1-8,共8页 Journal of Dalian University
关键词 杜甫诗歌 喜雨主题 恨旱主题 楚辞诸神 Du Fu’s poems the joy-for-rain theme the hatred-for-drought theme deities in the Elegies of Chu
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