
20世纪俄国知识分子的命运——重读《路标》 被引量:1

The Fate of Russian Intellectuals in the 20th Century——Reread Anthology “Road Sigh”
摘要 《路标》文集的宗旨是批判革命知识分子.本身也是知识分子的文集作者十月革命后遭到镇压,文集所批判的革命知识分子也未能完全实现自己的社会理想,不少人受到新政权的迫害.俄国知识分子极大地改变了整个20世纪俄国的面貌,但他们自己许多人命运悲惨.原因在于,在现代化道路上,俄国是落后国家,具有浓厚的封建色彩,自由、民主、人道主义不是社会发展产生的自然需要,是知识分子比照西方先进资本主义国家提出的社会诉求,他们的理想与俄国的现实存在矛盾.落后的国情制约着他们.违背社会实际必然失败,符合社会实际则知识分子所得到的往往有悖于自己的理想.20世纪俄国知识分子的命运证明了唯物主义历史观的真理性.没有理想,社会前进就没有动力和方向;不从实际出发,一切理想都会成为空想.处理好美好理想与客观实际的关系,是一门高深的政治艺术. The aim of the anthology“Road signs”is to criticize revolutionary intellectuals.The authors of an anthology,themselves are the intellectuals,were suppressed after the October revolution.The revolutionary intellectuals,criticized by the anthology,also failed to fully realize their social ideals and many of them were persecuted by the new regime.Russian intellectuals have greatly changed the face of Russia throughout the 20th century,but many suffered tragic fate because Russia is a backward country with the strong feudal color,freedom,democracy and humanitarianism didn’t emerges from the social development need but from social demands put forward by the intellectuals according to the western advanced capitalist countries’ones,their ideal had contradiction with reality of Russia.Backward national condition restricts them.Going against social reality is bound to fail.However,if they are in line with the social reality,Russian intellectuals often get back to their own ideals.The fate of Russian intellectuals in the 20th century proved the truth of the materialist view of history.Without ideal,there is no motivation and direction for society to move forward.It is a profound political art to deal with the relationship between good ideal and objective reality.
作者 安启念 An Qinian
出处 《俄罗斯学刊》 2019年第5期5-24,共20页 Academic Journal of Russian Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目《弗罗洛夫新人道主义研究》(项目批准号:13BZX002)阶段性成果
关键词 《路标》 知识分子 理想与现实 road sigh intellectual ideal and reality
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