
俄罗斯参与全球海洋治理和维护海洋权益的政策及实践 被引量:5

The Policies and Practices of Russia’s Participation in Global Maritime Governance and Safeguarding Maritime Rights and Interests
摘要 俄罗斯是三面环洋的世界海洋大国,不论沙皇俄国、苏联时期还是如今的俄罗斯,都非常重视对周边和全球海洋的研究、开发和利用,苏联时期甚至达到与美国在全球海洋领域两极竞争局面.现在作为苏联继承国的俄罗斯综合实力明显下降,但其支撑世界海洋大国的雄心依然.近三十年来俄出台一系列海洋战略和政策文件,将参与全球治理与维护海洋权益密切结合,力争通过加大在北冰洋和北极地区海上权益拓展,巩固在南极的战略地位,主动以《联合国海洋法公约》为基础参与解决全球其他对俄重点海域的划界谈判,实现其涉海利益的最大化,同时也为与相邻国家开展合作创造良好条件.中俄充分发挥战略协作伙伴关系的作用,在国际海洋利益博弈中相互策应,对遏制北约和美国同盟对俄安全挑战,增强俄海上安全防御能力和自信大有助益. Russia is a world’s maritime power surrounded by oceans on three sides.No matter tsarist Russia,the Soviet Union or today’s Russia attached great importance to the research,development and utilization of the surrounding and global oceans.During the Soviet Union period,it even reached a bipolar competition with the United States in the global oceans field.As the successor to the Soviet Union,Russia has seen its overall strength decline,but its ambitions to shore up the world's maritime powers remain.In the past three decades Russia issued a series of strategy and policy documents on oceans,integrating closely participation in global governance with its efforts to safeguard maritime rights and interests,striving to consolidate Russia’s strategic position in Antarctica by expanding its maritime rights and interests in the arctic and arctic regions.On the basis of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,Russia has taken the initiative to participate in the settlement of other global negotiations on the delimitation of Russia's key sea areas,so as to maximize its maritime interests.It also creates favorable conditions for cooperation with neighboring countries.China and Russia will give full play to their strategic partnership of coordination and complement each other in the game of international maritime interests.This will go a long way to containing the security challenges posed by NATO and the America's Allies to Russia and enhancing Russia's maritime security defense capability and self-confidence.
作者 王郦久 徐晓天 Wang Lijiu;Xu Xiaotian
出处 《俄罗斯学刊》 2019年第5期39-54,共16页 Academic Journal of Russian Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金研究专项《中国参与全球海洋治理:理念、政策与路径》(项目批准号:17VHQ009)阶段性成果
关键词 俄罗斯 海洋治理 北极战略 海洋权益 Russia ocean governance arctic strategy maritime rights andinterests
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