
儿童重症无创血流动力学监测 被引量:6

Non-invasive hemodynamic assessment of critically ill children
摘要 血流动力学监测是急危重症患儿病情评估及抢救治疗的基础。单纯依靠临床评估患儿循环系统功能并不可靠,因此利用各种监测手段准确监测危重患儿的心排出量(CO)非常重要。目前监测CO的方法分为有创监测和无创监测。由于有创监测专业技术要求高,价格昂贵,并发症多,限制了其在儿科中的广泛应用。随着无创监测技术的不断改进,越来越多的证据表明,能够提供连续循环监测数据的无创监测技术将在重症患儿中的应用更加普遍。 Hemodynamic assessment is a cornerstone of taking care of critically ill children and their management.Measuring the actual cardiac output and its evolution is important as the clinical estimation of a patient′s circulatory status is often misleading.Therefore,cardiac output(CO)measurement techniques,invasive and non-invasive,have been developed.As invasive techniques are likely to induce damage technically,expensive and likely to cause complications,non-invasive techniques have become an interesting tool for the pediatric technicians who want information about CO.And evidence shows that there is already and will be more place for non-invasive techniques in daily practical work because of their steady improvement,reliable,which can overview patients’circulatory status conti-nuously.
作者 李静 许峰 Li Jing;Xu Feng(Department of Critical Care Medicine,Children′s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,Key Laboratory of Child Development and Disorders Issued by the Ministry of Education,National Clinical Research Center for Child Health and Di-sorders (Chongqing),China International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Child Development and Critical Disorders,Chongqing Key Laboratory of Pediatrics,Chongqing 400014,China)
出处 《中华实用儿科临床杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第18期1368-1371,共4页 Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
关键词 每搏输出量 心排出量 儿童 监测技术 Stroke volume Cardiac output Child Monitoring technology
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