试验旨在研究群饲犊牛自由采食酸化奶的条件下,结构性饲料对哺乳犊牛和断奶应激期犊牛生长性能的影响。选择3~5日龄、体重相近犊牛300头,随机分为6栏,每栏50头,随机选择3栏饲喂常规颗粒犊牛开食料(颗粒料组),其余3栏饲喂结构性犊牛开食料(结构料组)。两种日粮的配方完全一致。颗粒犊牛料中所有物料均经粉碎、混合、制粒,制成颗粒料。将饲粮配方中玉米和大麦取出,换为蒸汽压片玉米和带壳大麦,其余物料粉碎、混合、制粒,为颗粒浓缩料,再将颗粒浓缩料与蒸汽压片玉米、带壳大麦混合,制成结构性饲料。整个试验分为哺乳期和断奶应激期共计90 d,哺乳期试验第1 d饲喂酸化奶,第15 d供应开食料。颗粒料组犊牛在哺乳期饲喂开食料,断奶后补饲苜蓿干草。结构料组犊牛断奶后饲喂结构性生长料。将结构性开食料与20%苜蓿干草混合,制成结构性生长料。结果表明:哺乳期间,结构性饲料采食量比颗粒料组高40%(P<0.05),日增重高19%(P<0.01);断奶应激期间,结构性饲料采食量比颗粒料组高29%(P<0.01),日增重高25%(P<0.01),饲料利用效率高11%(P<0.05);试验结束时,结构料组犊牛体重更高(P<0.05)。综上所述,在哺乳期自由饮用酸化奶的条件下,结构性饲料在哺乳期和断奶应激期的效果均优于传统颗粒开食料,可促进犊牛生长,缓解断奶应激。
The present experiment was aimed at the study of the effects of structural feed on growth performance of preweaning and weaning stress period calves which were group-feeding and fed with acidified milk freely during the preweaning period. 300 Holstein calves of 3~5 d and similar weight were randomly selected and divided into six pens with 50 calves each pen randomly. And three pens of calves selected randomly fed with conventional pelleted calf starter(pelleted starter group), the rest three pens of calves fed with structural calf starter(structural starter group). The formula of the two diets was identical. All the materials in the pelleted calf feed were crushed, mixed and pelleted to make into pelleted starter. Corn and barley in the formula starter were taken out and replaced by steam flaked corn and barley with hull. The other materials were crushed, mixed and granulated to make into pelleted concentrate and then the structural starter made from diet which was mixed the pelleted concentrate with steam flaked corn and barley with hull. The whole experiment with 90 days including preweaning and weaning stress period, and the acidified milk were fed at the beginning, and the starter diet were fed at 15 th day. The pelleted starter group was fed with the conventional pelleted starter before weaning, and alfalfa hay were fed after weaning. The structural starter group was fed structural growing diet after weaning which was made from the structural starter and 20% alfalfa hay. Results suggest that intake of structural starter were increased by 40% comparing with the pelleted starter group(P<0.05), and daily weight gain were increased by 19%(P<0.01) before weaning;Comparing with the pelleted starter group, the intake of the structural growing diet was increased by 29%(P<0.01), and daily weight gain increased by 25%(P<0.01), and the feed efficiency was increased by 11%(P<0.05) when calves in the weaning stress period;At the end of experiment day the structural feed calves with higher body weight(P<0.05). In conclusion, when calves in group-feeding and fed acidified milk freely during the preweaning period, the effect of the structural feed is superior to the traditional pelleted starter in both preweaning and weaning stress period, which improved growth and alleviated their weaning stress of calves.
Wu Donglin;Meng Qingshuang;Xu Ming
Feed Industry