
Altmetrics的追溯及演化研究 被引量:1

Research on the Retrospection and Evolution of Altmetrics
摘要 Altmetrics的出现为学术评价提供了一个全新的视角,近十年来众多国内外学者纷纷致力于Altmetrics的研究,深入了解该领域的历史和演化历程有助于为其今后的发展提供指导和建议。本文采用RPYS和引文编年图分析方法,分别从文献集的参考文献和引证文献角度出发,全面把握Altmetrics的历史根源和演化现状。研究表明,Altmetrics被正式提出之前,心理学、社会学、计量学等领域的经典文献都为其萌芽奠定了基础,随后经典文献逐渐向社会科学、引文分析和科研评价等方向靠拢;正式提出之后,该领域在2014年走向第一个成熟期,研究内容从基础研究逐步发展到方法理论体系的构建和相关应用的探讨,研究内容由表及里逐步深入。 The emergence of Altmetrics provides a new perspective for academic evaluation, over the past 10 years, many scholars have devoted themselves to the research of Altmetrics, a thorough understanding of the history and development process of this field is helpful to provide guidance and suggestions for its future development. The method of RPYS and HistCite are used to comprehensively grasp the historical origin and evolution status of Altmetrics from the perspective of bibliographic references and citations. There sult shows that the classical literature in psychology, sociology, metrology laid the foundation for the germination of Altmetrics, and the classical literature gradually moved towards social sciences, citation analysis and scientific research evaluation before it was formally proposed. The development of Altmetrics entered its first mature stage in 2014, after 2010, the content of the study has gradually developed from the preliminary basic research to the construction of methodological theory system and the discussion of applications, the contents of the research are gradually deepened from the surface to the inside.
作者 吴胜男 张昕瑞 梁雯琪 邰杨芳 贺培凤 于琦 WU ShengNan;ZHANG XinRui;LIANG WenQi;TAI YangFang;HE PeiFeng;YU Qi(School of Management, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China)
出处 《数字图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 2019年第8期2-10,共9页 Digital Library Forum
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“多维视角下基于文献实体单元共现网络分析的药物关系知识发现研究”(编号:71804102)、国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于多元分析的科研文献微观实体评价理论与实证研究——以生物医学为例”(编号:71573162) 国家社科基金青年项目“基于框架网络本体的标签系统语义分析研究”(编号:13TCQ030)资助
关键词 Altmetrics 历史根源 RPYS 引文编年图 Altmetrics Historical Origin RPYS HistCite
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