Since 2018,the U.S.government has launched trade frictions with China and which has been escalating,seriously affecting the economic growth prospects of the two countries and the world.The Chinese government has promoted China-US economic and trade consultations with great sincerity and hopes to resolve issues of common concern.As we know,the US trade deficit has been in existence for a long time,which is closely related to the dominant position of the US dollar in the international monetary system,the internal imbalance caused by the low savings and high consumption of its own,the adjustment of the US industrial structure and the shift of manufacturing to overseas.Regarding the trade deficit issue,the US needs to understand correctly and not only emphasize the trade deficit one-sidedly. With the continuous development of globalization,the commercial activities,pattern and structure of international trade have undergone profound changes,from focusing on trade in goods to placing equal emphasis on trade in goods and services,and from focusing on trade in final goods to focusing on trade in intermediate goods.If we only put our emphasis on the trade of goods without the trade in services,only on the total amount of trade without the added value of trade,only on the perspective of GDP and without the perspective of GNP,these are not the overall situation of international trade.In fact,over the years,the United States has not suffered from economic and trade exchanges with China,but has gained tangible benefits in various sectors such as the state,enterprises,and families.It is hoped that China and the United States would respect each other’s core interests,resolve their respective legitimate concerns,implement the principles and directions set by the two heads of state,be pragmatic and enterprising,and achieve mutually acceptable trade agreements.This not only has historical significance for the economic and trade relations between the two countries,but also has exemplary significance for international economic and trade cooperation.