
深化“三转”背景下高校纪检领导体制改革研究 被引量:2

Study on the Reform of the Leading System of Discipline Inspection in Universities under the Background of Deepening the “Three Turns”
摘要 高校纪委深化"三转",必须抓住领导体制改革这个先决条件。独立权威的领导体制,能够赋予高校纪委"三转"足够的话语权和行动力。高校纪检领导体制改革有片派驻模式、垂直领导模式以及强化上级纪委领导模式三种方案。"片派驻"模式和"垂直领导"模式优势在于,能彻底破除高校纪检双重领导体制独立性不足的根本缺陷,但在操作层面均存在制度障碍,可实施性差。"强化上级纪委领导"模式尽管不能从根本上实现高校纪检机构的独立,但在实施上,能有效回避前两种模式的操作障碍,虽然不是最优方案,却是当下制度环境下最具现实性的改革选项。为使该模式更具适应性、实效性,应由上级党委针对高校的实际特点,出台专门文件,建构其具体内容。 In order to deepen the "three transformations" of discipline committees in colleges and universities, the precondition of leadership system reform should be grasped. Independent and authoritative lead ership system can give the discipline committee of colleges and universities enough voice and action power. There are three schemes for the reform of discipline inspection leadership system in colleges and universities: patch-stationed mode, vertical leadership mode and strengthening the leadership mode of discipline commissions at higher levels. The advantage of the "patch stationed" model and the "vertical leadership" model is that they can completely eliminate the funda mental defects of the lack of independence of the dual leadership system of discipline inspection in colleg es and universities. But at the operational level, there are institutional obstacles and poor implementation. Although the mode of "strengthening the leadership of discipline committees at higher levels" cannot fundamentally realize the independence of discipline inspection institutions in colleges and universities, it can effectively avoid the operational obstacles of the first two modes. Although it is not the best plan, it is the most realistic reform option under the current institutional environment. In order to make the model more adaptable and effective, the Party Committee at higher level should issue special documents and construct its specific content according to the actual characteristics of universities.
作者 何伦坤 HE Lunkun(School of Public Management,Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences,Yongchuan Chongqing 402160,China)
出处 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第5期54-60,共7页 Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学研究专项项目“‘三转’后高校纪委职能定位研究”(16SKDJ012)
关键词 “三转” 高校 纪检机构 领导体制 改革 "Three Turns" universities disciplinary committee leadership system reform
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