China's financial opening up has formed two parallel negative lists, one domestic and one international, in the process of China's domestic financial reform and international negotiation. The negative list formed in international trade agreements is an important bridge that connects domestic reform and international rules. The problems confronting China's financial opening up include the insufficient connection between the two negative lists, lack of related experience in international trade agreement, the imbalance between domestic and international negative lists, and so on. This paper compares the most representative agreement, the CPTPP, with the GATS, finds the features of the financial negative list of CPTPP on domestic regulation and international rules. This paper then proposes some policy suggestions to further promote China's financial opening up. First, connect the two negative lists and optimize China's market access policy in the financial industry. Second, set reasonable level of financial opening up in international negotiation, adopt more flexible negative list and reserve policy space using the conformity rules. Finally, coordinate the domestic and international negative lists.
Financial Regulation Research