
中苏建交谈判中的“顾王之争”(1923—1924) 被引量:1

The “Clash between Gu Weijun and Wang Zhengting” in the Sino-Soviet Negotiations on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations(1923-24)
摘要 中苏谈判中的“顾王之争”为世人瞩目。王正廷作为中方全权代表,与加拉罕商定两国关系协议,突破此前的谈判僵局,奠定了废除中俄旧约的基础。北京内阁认为“王加协议”内容不可接受,拒绝批准并撤销王的谈判代表职务,改以外交部与苏俄交涉,中苏谈判因此出现重大曲折并激化顾王矛盾。“顾王之争”是历史事实,但既有研究放大了其中的个人恩怨。就性质言,二人所争带有南北之争及“国民外交”与“职业外交”之争的色彩。王与南方政府有很深的历史渊源,其谈判用心偏重“无条件承认”苏俄及友俄、联俄的政治方向,适应了日益高涨的“反帝废约”运动需要;顾维钧倾向协约国和北京政府立场,对苏俄侵害中国主权严加防范。在谈判技术上,顾、王亦表现出明显的差异。二人在谈判中的作为看似异趣,却相互制约避免南北各走极端,客观上共同促成中苏谈判朝着有利于中国的方向发展。 The"clash between Gu Weijun [Wellington Koo] and Wang Zhengting"in Sino-Soviet negotiations caused a furor at the time.Acting as the Chinese side’s plenipotentiary,Wang reached an agreement with Leo Karakhan on a bilateral relationship,breaking the previous deadlock in negotiations and laying the foundation for the abolition of the old Sino-Russian treaties.The Beijing Cabinet regarded the content of the Wang-Karakhan agreement as unacceptable;it rejected it and relieved Wang of his duties,handing the negotiations with Soviet Russia over to the Foreign Ministry.This huge reversal in Sino-Soviet negotiations intensified the conflict between Gu and Wang.Their clash is a historical fact,but previous studies have magnified their personal grudges.In terms of its nature,the clash was colored by the dispute between North and South and the conflict between "citizen diplomacy" and "professional diplomacy." Wang had deep historical roots in the southern government;his intention in negotiating was weighted toward the political direction of "unconditional acceptance" of Soviet Russia as a friend and ally in tune with the growing demands of the movement to "fight imperialism and abolish the unequal treaties."Gu’s intention,on the other hand,was to lean toward the position of the Allies and the Beijing government and take strict preventive measures against any encroachment by Soviet Russia on China’s sovereignty.The two men showed significant differences in negotiating techniques,but although their negotiating styles appeared different,each imposed constraints on the other that prevented either North or South from going to extremes.Objectively,they promoted the development of Sino-Soviet negotiations in a direction that was favorable to China.
作者 杨天宏 Yang Tianhong
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期91-110,191,共21页 Historical Research
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“近代中国的民意调查与民意(1912—1949)”(18AZSO16)阶段性成果
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