
闭环理念运用于高职院校全过程育人的实践研究——基于入学适应期学习情况的调研数据 被引量:1

Practice Study on Closed Loop Theory Use to Vocational University Students in the Whole Process——Taking an Adaptation Period as an Example
摘要 闭环理念强调系统的稳定性、连续性和封闭性,这一科学术语同样受用于教育领域,教育也具有连续性与阶段性,且每个阶段都具有封闭性,构成一个"教育环",一环脱节,整个教育系统都会受到关联和影响.文章聚焦高职院校大学生在学期间,将其划分为四大关键环,以其中第一环"入学适应期"为例,通过问卷调查和个案访谈的形式,探析其所反映的阶段性问题,并试图通过打破传统学习模式、激发学习内生动力,实现他律到自律、提高自我管理能力,正确对待人际关系、拓展多元朋友圈及培养职业规划思维、打造出彩人生这四个"关键环节",以期构建阶段性、系统性、连续性为一体的全过程育人体系,形成合力育人、协同育人的长效机制. The closed-loop concept emphasizes the stability,continuity and closeness of the system. This scientific term is also used in the field of education. Education also has continuity and stages,and each stage has closeness,forming an"education ring",which is disconnected,and the whole education system will be related and affected. This paper focuses on the period of college students in Higher Vocational colleges,and divides it into four key links. Taking the first link of the"admission adaptation period"as an example,through questionnaire survey and case interviews,it explores the phased problems reflected by it,and tries to achieve heteronomy by breaking the traditional learning mode,stimulating the endogenous motivation of learning. Self-discipline,improving self-management ability,correctly dealing with interpersonal relationships,expanding multiple circles of friends,cultivating career planning thinking,and creating a colorful life are the four critical links in order to build a phased,systematic and continuous whole process of physical education system,forming a long-term mechanism of joint efforts and collaborative education.
作者 潘晖君 庄一民 陈远宏 PAN Hui-jun;ZHUANG Yi-min;CHEN Yuan-hong(Liming Vocational University,Quanzhou,Fujian 362000,China)
出处 《通化师范学院学报》 2019年第10期86-92,共7页 Journal of Tonghua Normal University
基金 福建省教育科学“十三五”规划2018年度重点课题(FJJKCGZ18-841)
关键词 闭环理念 高职院校大学生 全过程育人 入学适应期 the closed loop theory vocational university students educate permeates in the whole process adaptation period
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