

Research on the Impact of Online Comment Sentiment on Consumer Perceived Risk
摘要 文章从在线评论的情感倾向、情感强度、情感转折三个视角,实证研究了不同情感倾向下情感强度和涉及度对消费者感知风险的交互作用以及转折性情感评论对消费者感知风险的影响。结果发现,涉及度在情感强度对消费者感知风险的影响中具有调节作用。转折性正面情感评论对消费者感知风险的影响高于正面评论的影响,而转折性负面评论与负面评论对消费者感知风险的影响并没有显著差异。 From the three perspectives of emotional tendency, emotional intensity and emotional turning point of online reviews, this paper empirically studies the interaction of emotional intensity and involvement degree on consumers' perceived risk under different emotional tendencies and the impact of emotional turning point on consumers' perceived risk. The results show that involvement degree plays a moderating role in the impact of emotional intensity on consumers' perceived risk. The impact of turning positive emotional comment on consumer perceived risk is higher than that of positive comment, while there is no significant difference between turning negative comment and negative comment on consumer perceived risk.
作者 王家辉 夏志杰 阮文翠 WANG Jiahui;XIA Zhijie;RUAN Wencui(School of Management, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201600, China)
出处 《科学与管理》 2019年第5期60-66,共7页 Science and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14BTQ026) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71503163)
关键词 在线评论 评论情感 感知风险 online reviews reviews emotion perceived risk
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