
共享经济的产业效应与政策建议 被引量:1

Analysis on the Industrial Effect Caused by Sharing Economy
摘要 从汽车、私人停车位、闲置的住宅,到家庭的废旧物品,社会生活中存在众多的闲置资源,它们都具有通过共享经济平台进入市场进行交易的潜力。但是,共享经济冲击了传统行业的利益,引发了市场的失序。本文从交易结构、交易平台以及交易内容三个方面提出了构成共享经济的核心要素;分析了共享平台的渠道替代效应,以及大量闲置的个人资源进入市场交易产生的供给替代效应,从而揭示了共享经济冲击传统经济的根源和利益调整的过程,并提出了促进共享经济有序发展的政策建议。 From vehicle, private parking space, idle housing to household waste, there are many idle resources in social life, and they all have the potential to enter the market through a shared economic platform for trading. But the sharing economy has impacted the interests of traditional industries and induced the disorder of the market. This paper proposed the core elements of the sharing economy from three aspects: transaction structure, transaction platform and transaction goods. Based on the perspective of supply substitution and distribution supply, it provides a reasonable explanation for the conflict between the sharing economy and the traditional industry. Finally, some policy suggestions were put forward to promote the healthy development of China's sharing economy.
作者 黄浩 HUANG Hao
出处 《产业经济评论》 2019年第5期5-16,共12页 Review of Industrial Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金面上项目“互联网驱动的产业融合:测度、形成机理与政策监管(16BJY090)” 国家社科基金重点项目“流通业态创新与品质消费双向促进的路径、作用机制与政策体系研究”(19AJY020)
关键词 共享经济 双边市场 供给替代 渠道替代 sharing economy two-side platform supply substitution distribution substitution
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